BootsnAll Travel Network

Ten Days to go…

…and I’m crapping it. Because NaNoWriMo is such a whirl, I’ve hardly gotten around even to think about this trip, let alone hang out on the travel boards, read my ‘Wildlife Guide to SE Asia’ (too heavy to drag along) or book my insurance/accommodation in Bangkok etc. Now I’m experiencing an ominous sense of unease about all this. To top it all, John is away this week and as a result I seem to have lost my appetite—wtf?

It’s ridiculous but it is as well that this has happened because it indicates what an effect this whole venture could have on him. It worries me. We’ll have to talk.

I would be justified in calling the whole thing off. But on the other hand, I think that would be wrong. After NaNo is over, I won’t have a focus any more. If I don’t get this writing thing off the ground (and I still don’t think I can write fiction very well), I will be stuck in this village in the middle of winter and slowly go crazy. That is not a good idea—I speak from experience.

Besides, maybe John is really coming to Bali for two weeks in January. I think he will, but he would never do it if I wasn’t there waiting for him. So what’s stopping me?

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