BootsnAll Travel Network

Time to go

About 1/2 hr & I’m heading for the sun, just wanted to update laser therapy for smoking cessation, 40 days without smoking YEAAAAAAAAAA it worked!! Shall try & keep updating with any thing of interest.


2 responses to “Time to go”

  1. busman7 says:

    Hi all having a problem figuring how to update my blog please bear with me, Am currently in Palenque Mexico. Dave

  2. Pinamimi says:

    I heard from Busman Dave
    here’s what he has to say about his travels so far…

    Hola Danika donĀ“t know why you didn’t get emails I sent from iphone as others worked fine am at internet cafe now & can’t get on yahoo but can hotmail strange!!!! Any way trip is going fine even if it is a challange not knowing the language but Mexicans are every bit as nice as Cubans & treat me well even in Mexico City where they made sure I got the right bus.

    Should see the size of bus station in Mex City humongeous & buses better than Canada, their public transportation system makes ours a third world country, really nice coach buses, city buses, regional buses & collectivos or shared vans that are 10 peso 1 dollar, even have pickups where you ride in the back, shades of Cuba.

    Toured the Maya runs near Palanque yesterday & a waterfall & rapids in Chipas territory & found people that are far worse off than the Cubans.

    if you saw the way things things seem to be booming here where labour is cheap I believe they will get the wake up call loud & clear within the next year.

    going to try & get on blog but if I can’t feel free to post on it in comments that I am experiencing technical difficulties & update the TA ers too.

    They can stick Florida where the sun doesn’t shine but Mexico is an experience & appears to be booming although seems people are well off or poor with no inbetween, corporations own all the business & good farms while the little guy is left to survive the best he can something like the way Canada is heading.

    Have been from Puerto Vallarta to Guadalajara 5 hr by an awesome bus, overnight there then 7 hr trip to Mexico City only spent 1 1/2 hr layover there as it is nothing like we have heard better & deserves at the least 3 or 4 days, then 12 hr over night trip to Villahermosa followed by 2 1/2 hr jaunt to Palenque where I am spending a quiet Sunday before heading to Cancun on night bus tomorrow around 12 hr trip. see Chichen-Itza on day trip from there then onto Caye Caulker Belize.

    Catch you later