BootsnAll Travel Network

Reflections at 2 am

Might as well get up, went to bed too early last night so between anticipation of the trip & Senor Gato being a pain walking over me & sticking his nose in my face there is no point trying to sleep.

As this is another major life change was mulling over the different milestones in life, the first one would be starting school,  some thing you look forward to with growing anticipation for about a year & is a major change from playing & learning the many things about life you see daily on a farm to the government structured life you will live from then on. Fortunately I grew up in the era before kindergarten & day care where you are forced into the system at age 2 or 3, but had the full 6 years of freedom.

Along with starting school came my first major dissappointment,when growing up in Quebec knowing both languages is a major asset & at the age of 6 I figured it would be good to attend grade one in the French school, besides they learned to write in grade one,none of that baby foolishness of printing for 3 years then writing. Well much to my displeasure I was over ruled & forced to go to the English one, so started my loathing of authority especialy when logic was replaced by tradition.

Well school is school grade 1 or 11 (Que remember) same oh same oh, do this do that, WHY? because I said so!!! Couldn’t wait to get out. Went back after a couple years for a year but nothing had changed so left again & never regretted it. Note to GOM did LOVE debating class!

Now the winter I took courses at MacDonald College to teach in an adult education program is a whole different scenearo, as are the transport driver ed training, Boy Scout leader & other profession related courses were for self fullment, not manditory, so are a whole different story.

In the next phase you do the society expected work, buy a house, raise kids, have a bit of fun & try not to be too much of a rebel. Then of course at forty some thing comes the fling with the twenty some thing just to keep young at heart, then back to earning a living for the next 20 yrs. Kind of common place actually when you look back at it.

Now the phase when work is no longer a requsit & having experienced enough of the world to know I have only scratched the surface it is time to enter the next & get out there, see how the rest of the world lives & find a place to settle more suited to my likes. This fact was reinforced during a phone call to mother last night when after telling me about a cousin’s recent trip to Italy (she has ived in Hong Kong & travelled most of SE Asia) she said “I don’t know why you people like to travel so much?”. My answer (which I didn’t say) is it sure beats the heck out of sitting at home bitching about the neighbours!!!


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