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Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Joyeux Noel

Thursday, December 25th, 2008

Fitting at Xmas & all year


Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008

OK I have been asked a couple of questions in the comments to my latest blog entry that might be of interest to the rest of the readers.

Jan asked what it is about Guatemala that has my interest & the answer is that I really don’t have an answer, it’s more a feeling that you can’t put into words but has to do with the people who are extremely nice but then so are the people in Mexico & Central America with the exception of Costa Rica & Panama also the travelers I have met there especially in Antigua which is pretty well unique from any where else in the world or so I have been told, it just seems to attract interesting people LOL.

Now Guatemala isn’t for every one & I am sure some would hate it, which is good as it won’t be swamped with tourons (we will reserve it for travellers) but for me it’s great. That said however the pensadio program in Panama + the warmer weather, more stable government & safety should make it a hands down favorite but for me personally there is still more research needed. There I sound like a politician lots of words saying every thing but answering the question LOL

Oncearound pointed out that I sounded surprised with what I found well yes & no I guess I didn’t express myself properly but as a born cynic I have to think the worst until shown I am wrong now I am sure most people are a bit skeptical of web sites & what they purport to be especially when it sounds too good to be true. That’s why when Bob on retirement wave says he is only trying to help people make the adjustment to Panama, yes I was pleasantly surprised to find it to be true. Then to meet a fellow Quebecer, who lived less than 50 miles from me, on a balcony in Panama City is an extremely strange coincidence & I have a hard time believing in such happenings as coincidence.

As to the American comment I will let that pass as the comment of an uninformed not well travelled person, otherwise I would have to be rude & I am not in the mood for that today.

For the benefit of others who are not acquainted with Americans & I am sure Jan will agree with me most are as nice as their Canadian counterparts & as mardi pointed out in a thread on TA once most Upper Canada residents are lacking the friendly gene LOL. Also in the conversation I reported the lady was an expat American so that comment about her was completely inappropriate. Enough on that subject.

pina when you get to The Royal decameron resort if they offer a day trip to Panama City which I believe is only 90 minutes away it would be well worth taking as I believe it should be a bucket list destination as it is pretty well unique & doesn’t deserve being classified with Miami.

A couple things about travel in Panama City, always have a quarter for the baño in the bus station & the Albrook Terminal Ñacional requires a 5 cent coin for the at the turnstile to the loading platform. Also when taking a taxi have the phone number of where you are going as I have never seen so many taxi drivers that don’t have a clue where the streets are in their home town.

Have to leave for the mountains of Boquette in the morning as it’s too hot here in David.

Feliz Navidad

There’s a reason

Monday, December 22nd, 2008
why things happen as they do! The missing the stop at David turned out to be a blessing as I wouldn't have been in the city for Bob's open house if I had gotten off the bus & would have ... [Continue reading this entry]

Panama already

Friday, December 19th, 2008
OK rested up from the bus trip & moved out of hotel into hostel,   feel almost human again so can give first impressions. The first thing you notice when arriving by bus is the bus station is the first decent all ... [Continue reading this entry]

It was bound to happen

Tuesday, December 16th, 2008
Two months travelling through 7 countries always with good friendly service and no complaints was the record for my trip. Well 2 days into the 3rd month and the 8th country I finally found a place with service so bad ... [Continue reading this entry]


Saturday, December 13th, 2008
As I had visited 4 Mayan sites already & Copan Honduras was out of the way & there wasn't any thing else in Honduras that really piqued my interest decided to go straight to Managua Nicaragua then head for Granada ... [Continue reading this entry]

Best ever playa weekend

Wednesday, December 10th, 2008
So after saying good bye to the GVI group in Antigua I made my way to San Salvador a 5 hr bus trip from Guatemala City & must say that El Salvador is the prettiest country I have seen, the ... [Continue reading this entry]

A taste of Cuba

Friday, December 5th, 2008
Just had to have a Cuba fix so went to the local Cuban bar for dinner & some Cuban music last night. Food & music were good but no Cristal so had to settle for Gallo, the local brand which ... [Continue reading this entry]

You know it’s time to move on when

Thursday, December 4th, 2008
You walk down the calle & the beggars ignore you, you walk into El Portal & the smile on the waitress's face is the big one reserved for a regular & you order in Spanish instead of pointing at what ... [Continue reading this entry]

Escula y cafe No Se

Sunday, November 30th, 2008
44 hrs of Spanish lessons pretty much gives one good basics in the language on which to build & enables you to properly ask donde es le bano & dos cervazas por favor but not to have a conversation. Of course ... [Continue reading this entry]