BootsnAll Travel Network


OK I have been asked a couple of questions in the comments to my latest blog entry that might be of interest to the rest of the readers.

Jan asked what it is about Guatemala that has my interest & the answer is that I really don’t have an answer, it’s more a feeling that you can’t put into words but has to do with the people who are extremely nice but then so are the people in Mexico & Central America with the exception of Costa Rica & Panama also the travelers I have met there especially in Antigua which is pretty well unique from any where else in the world or so I have been told, it just seems to attract interesting people LOL.

Now Guatemala isn’t for every one & I am sure some would hate it, which is good as it won’t be swamped with tourons (we will reserve it for travellers) but for me it’s great. That said however the pensadio program in Panama + the warmer weather, more stable government & safety should make it a hands down favorite but for me personally there is still more research needed. There I sound like a politician lots of words saying every thing but answering the question LOL

Oncearound pointed out that I sounded surprised with what I found well yes & no I guess I didn’t express myself properly but as a born cynic I have to think the worst until shown I am wrong now I am sure most people are a bit skeptical of web sites & what they purport to be especially when it sounds too good to be true. That’s why when Bob on retirement wave says he is only trying to help people make the adjustment to Panama, yes I was pleasantly surprised to find it to be true. Then to meet a fellow Quebecer, who lived less than 50 miles from me, on a balcony in Panama City is an extremely strange coincidence & I have a hard time believing in such happenings as coincidence.

As to the American comment I will let that pass as the comment of an uninformed not well travelled person, otherwise I would have to be rude & I am not in the mood for that today.

For the benefit of others who are not acquainted with Americans & I am sure Jan will agree with me most are as nice as their Canadian counterparts & as mardi pointed out in a thread on TA once most Upper Canada residents are lacking the friendly gene LOL. Also in the conversation I reported the lady was an expat American so that comment about her was completely inappropriate. Enough on that subject.

pina when you get to The Royal decameron resort if they offer a day trip to Panama City which I believe is only 90 minutes away it would be well worth taking as I believe it should be a bucket list destination as it is pretty well unique & doesn’t deserve being classified with Miami.

A couple things about travel in Panama City, always have a quarter for the baño in the bus station & the Albrook Terminal Ñacional requires a 5 cent coin for the at the turnstile to the loading platform. Also when taking a taxi have the phone number of where you are going as I have never seen so many taxi drivers that don’t have a clue where the streets are in their home town.

Have to leave for the mountains of Boquette in the morning as it’s too hot here in David.

Feliz Navidad


11 responses to “Answers”

  1. Oncearound says:

    Hi Dave, some of my best friends are Americans. One guy I’ve know for years – he picked me up when I was a hippie hitchhiking out to BC, back in the good old days – we’ve been best of friends ever since – I take him fishing and we plunder the north country together. I kid him about it too (being American that is). Sorry if you were offended by my comment, didn’t mean to push your buttons.
    Happy Trails 🙂

  2. Dave says:

    Hey no offence taken it`s just there are a few people who judge all Americans by the few morons out there that give them a bad name, actually I was talking with a guy from Ft Lauderdale a ouple days ago who gets really peed at them too. Actually I think I have met as meny ignorant Canadians as Americans.

  3. topturner says:

    Hi Dave,
    Really enjoying reading all about your travels, hope you have a wonderfuly warm Christmas, and a Happy Travelling New Year !

  4. Dave says:

    Gracias TT weather much better here in Boquette so it will be a nice warm Xmas but not extremely hot & humid like David.

  5. MacDon says:

    Hi Dave

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and have a great New Year!


  6. Ready4off says:

    Hola Dave,

    I hope that you are having a Very Merry Christmas in Boquette and that you

    have A Very Happy New Year starting in Havana.


  7. Pinamimi says:

    hey Davy!! Merry Christmas… loving the wine tonight!! can’t wait to get together again and see all your piccies of your vacay!
    take care
    Danika xx

  8. Jan says:

    Merry Christmas Dave!!!!!!!

    LOL! … given my extreme psychic capability to read the minds of politicians, I do indeed understand your response to my question! hahahaha! …. and of course being tuned into the spiritual side, I also understand the “gut” reaction … which can’t be explained. narrows it down a bit, yes? hahaha

    As far as Americans go, without getting into sociology, it boils down to being a product of our environment. I don’t believe any one place to be a shangri la because there are too many elements to alter ones’ persona. One difference with our American counterparts is that “as a country” they are brought up to believe in war and Canadians are more the peace keepers. As individuals, the nicest American people we’ve met are right across our border in Michigan; we love traveling there, although I’ve travelled extensively through out the USA and lemme tell you, there are some real strange and scary ones out there but I’ve also met rude, obnoxious and scary Canadians. It’s all to do with direct environment and there are endless factors that stem from that.

    Glad you’re having a fabulous time! Salud!

  9. Dave says:

    Hola Jan well I just developed a new idea about good vs strange scary Americans, Canadians or whatever nationality as I have only met the good of every nationality. It seems to be the travel style that determines the personality of the traveler, the backpacker, hostel, second class & chicken bus travelers are the good ones especially if they have been traveling long enough to realise the media & governments have been lying to us about other countries.

  10. Jan says:

    Yup .. I know that for fact as well. My husband and I have travelled by bicycle and thousands of kms. 99.9% of people were the best people we’d ever met! But have to admit, it’s a bit vulnerable out there in the middle of nowhere .. had a couple of scary incidents .. being a woman doesn’t help.

    Ciao and safe travels!

  11. Dave says:

    Jan check out it’s a couple & their 10 yr old twins bikeing from Alaska to Peru on a 2 1/2 yr trip, Cool or what.