BootsnAll Travel Network


As I had visited 4 Mayan sites already & Copan Honduras was out of the way & there wasn’t any thing else in Honduras that really piqued my interest decided to go straight to Managua Nicaragua then head for Granada which had been told was a must place to visit & I wasn’t led astray.

Not sure what I expected but Nicaragua is another country that shouldn’t be missed, think we are fed so much propaganda about Central America by the news media that our conception is all out of whack with reality. All the countries I have visited so far have problems but seem to have a handle on them & in the long run will give us a run for our money.

Nicaragua has a strong agricultural base & with the way Canada is building cities on it’s good farm land & forcing the small farmer off the land in favor of large corporate farms I can see the day when it’s going to be dependent on countries like Nicaragua to feed it’s people, a sad situation but if a radical change in policy isn’t made in the near future a distinct possibility. Really seems strange to see hay being baled when Xmas lights are up & have to go around combines on the road 2 weeks before Xmas.

Rain night before last & it broke the heat wave so temp is bearable now so toured the town today, another tourist town but definitely worth a visit. Also Managua is strange to see as it’s a city of 3 million with no high rise buildings, they learned their lesson from the earthquake in 1972 (I think).

Passed the volcano with steam coming out of the crater on the way here so didn’t bother going to see is but The Bearded Monkey where I am staying has a lodge, The Monkey Hut on Laguna Ayoro a lake in a volcano crater (the lowest point in Central America) where spent the day yesterday & it’s a super place. Oh yeah the Bearded Monkey makes the “monkey burger” the best burger in Central America.

Guess will chill one more day in Granada then head for Liberia, Costa Rica Monday as will be going by chicken bus this time as the Tica bus involves doubling back to Managua & then buying a ticket all the way to San José which is a bit of a rip off so just do like the locals & save about $30.

Should see the full moon from here it has to be twice the size of back in the cold country & looks like you could reach out & touch it, it’s so close. No nasty pollution in the way either just an amazing site, no wonder the Mayan’s were so into the stars.


6 responses to “Nicaragua”

  1. Oncearound says:

    Hola Dave,
    Kind of weird hearing about rain cooling things off… plenty cool up here! Hear ya about the farms – A friend of mine recently went to Peru to check out possible investment in asparagus farming. Never really noticed before, but I now see the signs in the grocery store up here – Asparagus, Product of Peru.
    Happy trails

  2. Dave says:

    Being a farm boy with an interest in machinery & also transportation I tend to notice the dealerships & equipment on the roads & in the fields. S0 far with the possible exception of the indigenous areas of Mexico & Guatemala things look pretty good with Mexico having newer equipment but the older buses, trucks & tractors in the rest of the countries was made to last a long time, it’s only Canada & the US that fix an ariitrary age on the life of equipment that has no basis in reality.

  3. Pinamimi says:

    see any Nazis?? lol…..or is that Argentina?
    ok…forget my attempt at being coy lol.
    I know what you mean by farmland being expropriated…we have that issue here on the Hill……i think of Mirabel…and the bloody waste they made of that…
    It’s that hot??? wow….Dave I was just looking at tripcentral and Puntarena is $569.00 all included leaving from’s taking everything i have to keep me here in Canada….i’d be on that plane in a heart beat…and join your trip!!! you’re having a gas…in envious…any pix? lol

  4. Dave says:

    Will try & download pics on a flashdrive in Panama & get some one in Havana to mule them to Canada & drop them in the mail to you.

  5. Pinamimi says:

    thanks! can’t wait to see them!!

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