BootsnAll Travel Network

Houghton-style humor

An email I got recently from the nanpengyou.  This is the type of thing I don’t get much in China, needless to say.

Subject: Repent, O heathen girlfriend
“That’s right, Christina: As your good Protestant boyfriend, I’m calling you
to leave your evil, Bible-study-neglecting ways & turn back towards the
light of Sola Scriptura.  After all, Jesus didn’t die for you so you could
ignore pondering Old Testament books.  Do not go the way of Saul, who
ignored God & died disgraced, killing himself in battle with his own sword!
If he would’ve had his half-hour quiet time everyday, reading his Bible,
perhaps instead of remembering King David, we’d remember King Saul.”

Ha.  It’ll be nice to see him again regularly, so that things are more smart-alecky on a regular basis.  I like smart-alecky.


One response to “Houghton-style humor”

  1. alex says:

    nice, i like houghton hummor

  2. christina

    I Googled for something completely different, but found your page…and have to say thanks. nice read.

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