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Bokeo Province Jungle: Tracking Gibbons

Sunday, August 5th, 2007

We woke a little after 5am to the sounds of sirens floating through the jungle. That’s what they sounded like, the gibbons. Like sirens. Their beautiful singing was a continually rising and dipping note, that soared between the trees. We couldn’t see them, but they were close.

At 5.30am we heard the distinctive whiz of someone on a zip line coming towards the treehouse. It was our guide, bringing with him some fresh fruit to snack on before we hit the jungle floor and went tracking gibbons. For about twenty minutes we followed a narrow muddy track through the jungle, before the guide, a tiny man, maybe five foot three and dressed all in black, turned off the path and into the jungle proper. Bec and I followed as best we could, stepping gingerly, pushing huge leaves and branches out of our faces, grimacing when we reached out a hand to support ourselves and landed on a spiked stem. The guide stopped, and we listened for the gibbons’ call. This way, he pointed, and we raced through the jungle as fast as we could.

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In the Jungle: The Gibbon Proposal

Saturday, August 4th, 2007

If someone had told me ten years ago that I would propose to my girlfriend in the north of Laos, in the middle of the jungle, at the top of a tree in a private treehouse that could only be reached via a zip line (just hook your harness onto the cable and let gravity do it’s thing. Like this…), my reaction would have been something like “That’s crazy! As if I’ll have a girlfriend!”

But on Thursday July 26th, that’s exactly what happened. Here’s how it all went down…..

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Makin’ Movies

Sunday, August 20th, 2006
Ok, so it hasn’t quite been the six months I said it would be between posts, but during my lunch breaks whilst back at work in Scotland, I’ve knocked up a short little video about our two months in Laos, ... [Continue reading this entry]

Photos: Laos, Last Go

Saturday, February 4th, 2006
Roight then, here's a few pics to keep you interested, starting in Vientiane, and working our way down south to Champasak, and onto Don Det. Go on, eat that. A pic I took during our walk through the huge market where ... [Continue reading this entry]

Don Det: Wayside/Back in Time

Wednesday, February 1st, 2006
Si Phan Don; The Four Thousand Islands. It is an area at the very southern tip of Laos where the Mekong river stretches to immense proportions, resulting in innumerable islands and sand bars; the number of which varies depending on ... [Continue reading this entry]

Champasak: The Temple of the Frog

Wednesday, February 1st, 2006
Our main reason for stopping in Champasak was to visit some nearby temple ruins, Wat Phu Champasak, which dated from the Angkor period; meaning it was built sometime between 900 and 1300AD. Yeah, back when Australia was still at least ... [Continue reading this entry]

Champasak: Give me a V (for visa)

Sunday, January 29th, 2006
The bus stopped, it was 5.30am and still pitch black outside. "Is this Pakse?" I asked Bec, as though she should know. "Not sure. I'll go outside and see what's going on," she replied drowsily, while I tried hard to keep ... [Continue reading this entry]

Pakse: Laos Karaoke Disco…….On Wheels

Saturday, January 28th, 2006
From Vientiane, Bec and I were headed to the very south of Laos, a journey that would take somewhere close to 10 or 11 hours. Our hope was to take a bus during the day; all throughout this trip we'd ... [Continue reading this entry]

Vientiane: Food, Glorious Food

Saturday, January 28th, 2006
We caught an early morning bus from Vang Vieng to Vientiane, arriving in that city around lunch time, and found ourselves a guesthouse. It was a little out of the centre of Vientiane, but Bec and I sometimes refer to ... [Continue reading this entry]

Photos: Vang Vieng

Monday, January 23rd, 2006
Geez, I'm on fire with these entries. Gotta make the most of having days with nothing to do and cheap internet. So, here's some pics from Vang Vieng. None of the snake though, unfortunately, you just have to trust me ... [Continue reading this entry]