BootsnAll Travel Network

Moto-City Madness

Saigon has some 4-6 million motorbikes and it’s really the most effecient way to get around the city. The little suckers dart everywhere and can come at you from any direction – even if you are walking on the sidewalk (if you can find a stretch that doesn’t have motos parked). Although it first seems quite chaotic – well it still seems more than a bit chaotic – it all does work. Most streets do not have lights or stop signs, so traffic just pushes through…those turning get over to the side they are turning, those going straight ahead just keep on keeping on.

In the middle of the intersection is a motorized ballet of dodging and weaving – and constant little horns blasting. Most motos don’t have rear-view mirrors and there’s this blind faith that as long as you are moving forward, anyone over-taking you has to just avoid you.

Of course, in all of this mess there are cars, busses, trucks, and pedestrians. The little motos can make great time as they zip around and can cover the same distance many times faster than any vehichle with more than 2 wheels.

Crossing the street is the adventure. Of course, you look both ways before you step out on the street, but that’s the only similarity to what we know back home. Once you are out on the street you just sort of move slowly across. Like Moses and the Red Sea, the motos just sort of part and make room for you. It’s a good idea to sort of walk facing traffic and then change the way you face 1/2 way across.

I think I sort of look relaxed the more I do it – but it does take a deep breath every time you try…

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