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Sapa by Motor Bike

Saturday, December 9th, 2006

sapa.jpgAdventure changed to trouble when I rounded the bend of a narrow road that had long ago turned to a sloppy single track of red mud.

Down in the valley below and barely visible through the mist was Sapa. I had taken my rented motorbike down a dirt road some 4 hours ago and was tired, hungry and thirsty. Having Sapa, in my sights was temptation with a capital ‘T’.

And as the song goes, that stands for trouble.

The town is in the most hilly/mountainous section of northern Viet Nam and the trail I took hugged the side of a steep valley of terraced rice paddies and vegetable gardens.

There is one paved road that runs through Sapa, and on my first day here, Dave, Jonna and I headed west towards Fansipan, a nearby 3143 meter mountain.

The very narrow road was twisty and turn-y with lots of ascents and descents – perfect fun for a motorcycle. Part of the experience was dodging potholes, goats, pigs, water buffalo, and on-coming trucks. [read on]