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Salinas, Italy

12 Dec

Salinas, Italy

This place is full of love and romance. At night the flowers emit a scent that makes me go dreamy-eyed and breathe deeply. I breathe in the night, the sea, the stars, and everything in between.


Squatters and the Concrete Cottage

1 Dec

Squatters and the Concrete Cottage

Life with Alessandro and Katrin has been supreme.

The Birth of Lamby

28 Nov

The Birth of Lamby

So yesterday Katrina shouted something including “bambini” and “baaa” to me across the yard. I have no idea how I understood, but hurried over to where Ales was stooped. He held one hand onto a sheeps collar and the other onto its tail. Meanwhile, the sheep is bleating for dear life, and I notice what can only be described as a 2 year olds snot rocket just dangling there. Yes, out of the sheeps… well… backside. Within the gelatinous mucous I notices two very small hooves… OOH ITS HAVING A BABY!

Half-Moon the Goatmaster

27 Nov

Half-Moon the Goatmaster

Ales and Katrin have a goat named halfmoon on the farm. He is quite a character, and my favorite of all the animals because he is the most hardcore. He norts and sneezes when he is mad, and is the total alpha male… trying to be romantic with all the shladies. He always runs with his horns bared towards whatever is near him… always on guard. So hes a hardcore goat, but me, Im twice his size. And i have a long ass bamboo stick. Im sure I can take him in a “to the death” gladiator-battle but my next task his to chain him to a tree. This is way more complicated, and involves distracting him with some food, sneaking up from behind, pretending to pet him, whilst hooking the caribeaner to the rope around his neck.


25 Nov


Thankfully Julio stayed the next hour and some, he took over every conversation which was fine. I had the chance to let this place sink in. A small concrete building. Large metal doors with bolt closures. Junk everywhere. No bathroom. No shower. Electricity, thankfully, but no heat. Random clutter on every countertop. Cats also on every counter, jars of olives and other concoctions piled on the dirty floor. Imagine my face as Im taking this in.


24 Nov

What a gorgeous morning! I found the most beautiful sea-front town with the sun shining and the weather about 85 degrees. I found a rock jetty where the Italian fishermen were fishing and chatting. I sat down and I must have seemed quite the spectacle… shades on, pant legs rolled up, toting a hefty pack and painting watercolors amongst the rocks and dudes. The guy in front of me called “ciao!” and asked me in italian “pesce?”

Cinque Terra

24 Nov

After Spain I headed to cinque terra, ITALY! The town I stayed in is called RioMaggiore… it was fairy tale like. The town was located right on the Meditteranean, snuggled between sheer cliffs and caves along the coast.


22 Nov

“If no ones here that would be finnneee,” my song in my cabin of the overnight train to Napoli. My feet are cold and dinner was a yogurt, some granola, and a chunk of dark chocolate. Mmmm. I was feeling homesick tonight. And just when I think traveling on my own is boring and blah, a concert starts up at the Milano Centrale Train Station! A huge stage is set up in one of the wings, and tons of people are all hoarding in to see the concert. Who knew November 25 was women violence awareness day?