Half-Moon the Goatmaster

27 Nov

Ales and Katrin have a goat named halfmoon on the farm. He is quite a character, and my favorite of all the animals because he is the most hardcore. He norts and sneezes when he is mad, and is the total alpha male… trying to be romantic with all the shladies. He always runs with his horns bared towards whatever is near him… always on guard. So hes a hardcore goat, but me, Im twice his size. And i have a long ass bamboo stick. Im sure I can take him in a “to the death” gladiator-battle but my next task his to chain him to a tree. This is way more complicated, and involves distracting him with some food, sneaking up from behind, pretending to pet him, whilst hooking the caribeaner to the rope around his neck.

I thought I would try it. Why not? I approached and halfmoon was dead onto me. He fiercely stared into my eyes, and I swear he said “Go ahead, try it bitch.” I smiled and with the beating stick behind my back I s-l-o-w-l-y set down the bowl of food. I smiled and clicked my tongue, but he just stared me down. When I moved closer he automatically lowered his horns in battle. After a good 10 minutes of attempt, I gave up and let Ales do it. A let down, but I convinced myself if it was only daylight, I would be more confident and could do it.

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