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It all sounds like Japanese to me.

Friday, May 1st, 2009

In a country where I literally know 5 words of the spoken language unless you throw in brands like Mitsubishi, I feel quite welcome. 

The transportation was not difficult to navigate though today I had the hardest time locating a frickin internet cafe here in Kyoto.  I thought they:d be everywhere.  Obviously that has been remedied since I:m clicking away.  Currently I:m trying to figure out the directions to my guesthouse.  Technically I have but I have to pay at a seperate location and that:s the hangup.  I locked my backpack in a public locker because with a brick strapped to my back I felt a bit restricted.

I had expected last night to be good fun but my coworker was a little less than pleasant to be around.  I can:t quite put my finger on that one.  At any rate I had a place to rest my head, we enjoyed a nice late night meal and were up and at :em at 6 am!  Unfortunately I didn:t get to bed until 3 am so that allowed for 6 hours of sleep in the past two days.  Ana and I went our seperate ways by 8 am.  I was off to Kyoto and she back to the airport. 

Traveling solo has been pretty decent thus far.  I:m excited to get on the walking tour I found in my Lonely Planet Book.  I:ll let ya know how it goes.  I:ll be exploring Southern Higashiyama (a section of Kyoto).  My route hopes to include a stroll up Chawan zaka (teapot lane), the Kiyomizu dera temple, the quaint street of Ninen zara, the traditional cobblestone area of Ishibei kosi, the Kodai ji temple, a park called Maruyama koen famous for its cherry tree, the Yasaka Jinja shrine, the Chion in temple, the Shoien in temple, the Sanjo dori shrine, and the giant gate of Heinan jingu.  A good night:s rest is essential. 

I may have had pizza for dinner last night but the light meal on the plane over was sushi over rice and I ATE IT!!!!



your brave warrior

Comfort and adventure

Friday, May 1st, 2009

Today in exactly 15 minutes I will have been in Korea for an astounding 8 months.  I’m starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  The sun shines bright on August 31st, the last day of my contract!  Where do I go from there?

I am quite torn about my whereabouts for September.  I’ve considered everything from working at a bootcamp in Sydney, Austrailia, to being a teacher in Europe, to chillin out in LA.  There has always been the possibility of staying but it’s impossible to decide at this point. 

I never realized how tempermental children are.  Two days ago I had the most rewarding day and yesterday I wanted to ask the school to cancel my afternoon classes as I felt that they were a complete waste of everyone’s time.  It changes constantly.  However these are kids we’re talking about! 

Right now I’m writing to you from what has come to be one of my favorite little spots in Asia: the free internet lounge at the Incheon International Airport in South Korea.  I’m currently waiting to board for my flight into Kansai International Airport in Japan.  Yes… my next adventure is about to begin! 


A bonus to flying out on a friday evening… skipping afternoon classes!  Whoo hoo.  Ironically it turns out on Wed. my school decided to sent my friend Ana to Japan early Thursday yesterday morning,  I now have the good fortune of a free place to stay and the company of a good friend.  Yes, Ana Teacher has proved to quite the funny one.  Thank goodness. 

While I am excited to do a trip completely solo, as this will be my first one, I think I can allow for one night of guaranteed good company. 

Before getting on my way I’d like to share something with you.  While walking through the airport, two groups of girls caught my eye.  Both were Asian.  The first represents individuality.  These girls clearly were from an Asian country where one’s own style is embraced and accepted.  I’m guessing Japan because it sure as hell wasn’t Korea.  We’re still working on personality over here.  I literally turned and stared at the them as they walked by.  They were so… different.  So refreshing  – whether you liked the ensemble they were flaunting or not. 

The second group of girls were also Asian but probably in their 50’s as opposed to their 20’s and I’d guess Korean.  These women represented lifelong friendship and reminded me that age simply is a number.  A sense of comfort came over me as I saw the three of them laughing and walking around together.  They certainly didn’t have the style or the flare of my first specimens but it didn’t matter.  It didn’t matter that they weren’t 28 anymore, that they had changed in appearance over the years, that they were anything – other than together.  All materialistic thoughts were erased from my mind.  I have friends that are so dear to me right now that I know we’ll be walking through an airport one day just as happy.

Sigh – ah – nor-ah,


Forget May Flowers. It’s April!

Friday, April 17th, 2009
I've come to a major conclusion about myself. I'm not a cold-weather cloudy skies kind of girl.   It has been so beautiful outside lately that I can't help but smile...and to get in shape once again. The hardest part of slimming ... [Continue reading this entry]


Saturday, April 11th, 2009
On Wednesday I wired some money home and have now completely paid off my student loans and therefore all debt (not including the paramount sum I owe my parents...)  I then went to Seohyon Station (3 stops down) and booked ... [Continue reading this entry]

No Whining Aimee Teacher!

Thursday, April 9th, 2009
I feel it is very important to preface this entry with a three word summary: Waaah waaah waaaaaaaaaah.   On a whole, I like Korea.  Now that spring is here I'm inspired to take a second look.  The cherry blossoms are amazing.  People ... [Continue reading this entry]


Wednesday, April 8th, 2009
tower.jpg  tower3.jpg April 6, 2009  Yesterday I looked up flights to Japan.  I heard Kyoto is amazing so I'm trying to squeeze that into three days and a night.  We ... [Continue reading this entry]

Well, how do you like THEM apples?

Sunday, April 5th, 2009
Today North Korea launched a controversial missle despite warnings from around the globe.  And today I come clean.  I've never taught a day in my life.  For all of you suspicious of my sudden bond with children you now know the ... [Continue reading this entry]

Blueprint For International Relations

Friday, April 3rd, 2009

In the spirit of the previous post regarding the possible North Korean rocket launch, my mind wanders to the tiny slippers I see every day.  Most of them are Spiderman or  Hello Kitty but you can certainly find some Thomas ... [Continue reading this entry]

“North Korea, South Korea, Marilyn Mon-roe…”

Friday, April 3rd, 2009
Billy Joel sings, "We didn't start the fi-re... it was always burning since the world's been turning."  In this case it's 1953.  I don't like the majority of business tactics I've experienced in South Korea and sometimes find a gap when it comes ... [Continue reading this entry]

Uncle Jimmy

Saturday, March 28th, 2009
Uncle Jimmy, I'm sorry I never got around to sending your postcard.  I love you.  brothers-3.jpg
[Continue reading this entry]