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A Whoo Hoo!

Thursday, March 26th, 2009

My new kids are AWESOME.

And Aimee Teacher is very happy.

No sugar added

Tuesday, March 17th, 2009

I don’t know how to describe Korea.  First off, I haven’t seen the half of it.

Then there’s the culture itself.  Once I’ve finally made up my mind that people are cold and unfeeling, I come upon the exact opposite. 

I really should also factor in that this is my first winter in 3 years so it’s a bit gloomy and LONG. 

And of course there’s the bipolar inconsistency of things at my school.  Some days are good and some are bad- many just fall inbetween.  I feel like if I’m gonna share my excitement with stories and pictures there should be some sort of representation of my frustrations.  Certain days actually can be quite difficult. 

I now present you with a rare venting email written to my parents, rare because I don’t want my parents to think I’m gonna quit and flee the country. That and I know that things pass and it’s not that bad. 

What you must understand is that on the average day I like Korea.  I do not like how our school is run but I like the kids, the job, the shiiibang.  Once in a while I feel a bit aggravated. Enter email.

“Hey mom and dad,arrrrgggg… I’m getting REALLY sick of it here.I mean i’ll be fine with finishing up my year but the disorganization is driving me nuts. Part of it is ok bc I know that if i were working in America the little mistakes i’d make here and there would get me reprimanded…  Somehow over here they mess up enough so that I don’t have to worry about being the “absent-minded” one.  Also I’m so sick of those little kids not listening.  Some days like today it just makes me so mad.Anyhoo… I’m going to look really hard for another job for Sept. ANYWHERE ELSE.  Well not anywhere… I’d like to find somewhere of course that pays rent and a decent salary.  The WON sucks now anyway so I’m making like HALF of what I thought I would originally.  Apparently the won should follow the dollar and get better but it could get worse.  No one knows.   I’m gonna try really hard to make something work in Europe.  If I can find free accomodation and like $2000 a month I’ll take Germany, France or Poland in a heartbeat.  I’m also sick of this cold Asian culture.  I know I am venting but man… Well less than 6 months to go.  Get me outta here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PS Ironically after I was praised I now feel like I want to shoot myself in the head.  I can’t win.”


Thursday, March 12th, 2009
The African is leaving tom.  My buddy, my pal - going back home to Cape Town after her horrific school experience.  It will be a bit of a bummer as the pickins of interesting people out here on a whole ... [Continue reading this entry]

Praise at last!

Thursday, March 12th, 2009
Mr. Lee, the owner, CEO, the whatever of kings of top notch around here, was in the hallway looking through my door at my lesson.  That like never happens.  Anyhoo... I was doing a really exciting lesson about about transportation ... [Continue reading this entry]

Bungee Jumping!!

Tuesday, March 10th, 2009


I don't know how I did it but I did it.  On the count of 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, JUMP, I somehow mustered the courage to run and leap horizontally in the air, ... [Continue reading this entry]

New beginnings…

Tuesday, March 10th, 2009
* THIS BLOG MUST STILL BE EDITED FOR INCOHERENT WRITING* *IT HAS ONLY BEEN PUBLISHED TO INFORM READERS THAT MORE IS TO COME*  Every ending is a new beginning.  Our new school year started yesterday (Monday) and I have brand new, well, babies ... [Continue reading this entry]

Helen Doron Graduation

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009

 hd-graduation-picture.jpg I’m afraid I’ll have to interject and write a few blogs before I actually finish my Hong ... [Continue reading this entry]

The Peak

Friday, February 20th, 2009
Also written Jan. 25, 2009 ferry.jpg We finally caught the ferry… ferry-2.jpg ferry-3.jpg big-ship.jpg[Continue reading this entry]

Mainland Hong Kong

Saturday, February 7th, 2009
Jan. 25th, 2009 - continuation of first Hong Kong blog but separate to facilitate picture placement. heading-out.jpg  Ok switch to this morning.  We slept in till about ... [Continue reading this entry]

The Year of The Ox

Sunday, January 25th, 2009
Right now I'm sitting in The Peak tower with Natasha at a juice/dessert bar that just happened to have two computers.  We've both been pounding away for about 15 minutes now.  I thought it only my duty to offer a ... [Continue reading this entry]