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Archive for July, 2010

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Sunday, July 25th, 2010

I had a brilliant trip planned.

This week I was to head to France to meet up with my South African friend Natasha who is staying in Cavalaire Sur Mer.

Afterwards I was going to see Mt. Everest Laura in Wales and  plunder about Londontown.

Then it was due north to Ireland and Scotland and from there journey over to Sweden. 

Using a Eurobus pass I’d be saving a lot of money on travel expenses.  With new friends I’d have several free places to stay.   It was perfect.

But this traveler is weary.  Biting off a bit more than she can chew at the moment.

I spend my free time sleeping.  I am constantly yearning to be productive.  

I can blog crappy blogs but I don’t want to do that.  That’s not gonna make me a travel writer I can assure you.  I need to catch up, rewrite and rework for quality.    If I had been up to speed I would be eager to journey further. 

Alas Sweden, Ireland, Scotland and France are candidates for the chopping block.

Thailand, however, remains steadfast.   Bangkok will prepare me physically and mentally for my ACE exam and for a healthy body. 

Maybe after I accomplish this goal I will have the peace of mind to travel again.  Heave over to the UK… visit Scotland and Ireland.    Then swing over to Sweden and Denmark.  For me travel is not a once in a lifetime opportunity.  It is a way of life.  It keeps me going.

S Bahn U Bahn

Friday, July 23rd, 2010 had approximately 28 hours in Berlin.  After das Happy dance and a little anticipation blogging, I set out for The Pegasus Hostel which I had booked online the night before.  A whopping 17 Euros to share a room with 5 of my favorite strangers.

The staff was going through a shift change when I arrived so I was asked to wait about 10 minutes to check in.  I decided to take a look at my map of Berlin and noticed an ad for the same free tour I’d taken in Paris.  The guides at this company are excellent, upbeat and full of fun facts.  Contrary to my 2008 edition of Lonely Planet, there was still a chance to catch a late tour at 4 pm.  As I asked  for instructions I noticed someone peering over my shoulder.  Turns out this slender Argentinian girl, and her slender Argentinian friend, also wanted in on the action so we set out together for the meeting point – The Brandenburger Tor Starbucks.  We had just 30 minutes.  A 7 minute walk back to the Ostbahnhof (train station) and just several stops away.  Shouldn’t take long. 

And it shouldn’t have.  Only the S/U bhan train system of Berlin is much like a math problem you can’t figure out.  No matter how long you’ve worked at it, it is obviously a stupid problem.  It’s only when the teacher explains the obvious that you realize you’re the idiot.

I can’t really express HOW the Berlin metro system is difficult your first time.  It just is.  Platforms on different floors.  U’s and S’s.  Numbers.  All kinds of nonsense.  We spent probably a good 30 or 40 minutes just trying to get one station over.  And still we managed to get out off course.  Half an hour late would have been ok but really an hour?  The tour would have to wait till the morrow. 

das happz dance

Wednesday, July 21st, 2010 Whz isnät this grammaticallz correct_  Because Iäm in Berlin on a German kezboard!!!  Itäs like iäm writing with an accent. haha. (This blog has editied z's to y's due to reader frustration.) I had forgotten another major reason that ... [Continue reading this entry]

Why I do it

Friday, July 16th, 2010
Sometimes I have to ask myself Aimee, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?  All this travel when you could be doing other things.  When you could be doing what everyone else is doing.  The norm.  Building credit.  Saving for retirement.  Paying off ... [Continue reading this entry]

Extra baggage

Friday, July 16th, 2010
No one likes a houseguest who stays too long.  I've just come back from visiting my Babcia in Warsaw. So far I have not been intrusive.  I was with my aunt's family for just several days before I left to see my Babcia.  I ... [Continue reading this entry]


Sunday, July 11th, 2010
Auschwitz is one place post cards just don't apply. "Hey guys, Having a great time!  Wish you were Here." You want to share the fact that you've been there.  That you've seen it.  That people were literally slaughtered.  That you saw their glasses, ... [Continue reading this entry]

Why Auschwitz?

Friday, July 9th, 2010
Auschwitz isn't just another museum or memorial.  It's a complex story- a story of history - a story of truth and a story of pain.  A story of beginnings and endings so vast you could never hear the half of them.  ... [Continue reading this entry]


Friday, July 9th, 2010
July 9, 2010 I got into Krakow today and will be here for the weekend.  Exploring the square and whatnot today and then heading to Auschwitz tomorrow followed by a visit to Wawel Castle on Sunday before taking the 5 pm ... [Continue reading this entry]


Friday, July 9th, 2010
Where my mama grew up.

Babcia’s trying to kill me!

Friday, July 9th, 2010
On Sunday I hopped a three hour train from Poznan to Warsaw to visit Babcia Hanna and her friend Teddy.  Learn it now: Grandma = Babcia. Unlike my last venture on public transport this train screamed Total legroom!!!  I managed a ... [Continue reading this entry]