Two years back. Deadline or Milestone?
September 1st, 2012It just hit me.TWO YEARS AGO TODAY I LEFT BANGKOK (technically yesterday on Thai time).After a long stint abroad, it was time to turn emails back into family and friends.I haven’t been entirely at peace with being back, everything “temporary” in spirit. I’ve been told to “grow up” but I know I’m growing as a person.For several months now I have been dreading the two year anniversary. What did I have to show for my time in the States?I’ve realized I need to let go of this “deadline”.I’ve learned things, met new friends, overcame fears, spent time with my people, and even ran a half marathon and taught a core class!Plus I’m down at least 27 lbs!The most amazing bit is that I am always able to “travel back”.I go to China, Korea, & Europe in the blink of an eye.I know I will travel again but I don’t need it hanging over my head.I have some things to do first.And it’s important to live for the now.Thank you for sharing in this moment, turning it into a positive.