Hostels ~ Part Deux: What To Pack
Friday, June 29th, 2012The ‘Just In Case’ Hostel Packing Checklist:
In addition to the obvious traveling necessities, there are certain items that will put you at ease should you have a rowdy room or a hostel that is a little lacking. Remember a hostel in Europe may tend to have more amenities than one in Asia or Africa but not necessarily. Take into account the country, culture, locale, and price. Better to be safe than, well, sorry.
Ear plugs
– you’re going to want to trust me on this one
iPod with headphones
– music can block conversation and the shuffle of people coming and going
Sleeping blindfold
– should you care for an afternoon nap or simply block out the light being switched on and off
Toilet paper/tissues/wet wipes
– some areas will not provide TP and wipes are great for, uh, refreshing
– you don’t want to blow out your laptop or camera with the wrong voltage!
HI or Hostelling International Member Card
– required for youth hostels of which there are over 4000 world-wide
– they can be purchased for approximately 7 US dollars at the hostel
– check out
– you’re going to need it to check in anywhere
– you may want to consider a second form of ID should a situation arise
Bottled water
– in case the area is akin to Mexico
One pillowcase
– for those of you who are afraid to share. Can also double as a laundry bag.
A lock for your backpack!
– yes, lock it up!
Money converted from US dollars
-Don’t keep it all in one big wad.
-Stash it in a few inconspicuous parts of your luggage. Get creative. But don’t forget where you put it!
Credit card
– it is important to have an alternative to straight-up cash
– ATMs will despense money from your account in the appropriate currency
Flip flops for the shower
– a lot of feet have been there before you…
– should you be arriving in the middle of the night, wish to read in bed or find your way around in the
Washcloth or quick-drying towels
– some hostels don’t include/rent towels so pack a light alternative
-if you neglect to plan ahead, you can use t-shirt like I had to. Plan ahead!!!
– this is a hostel sweetheart
– biodegradable soap isnt a bad idea. It breaks down over time and can be used for washing your
body, clothes AND dishes
– hand sanitizer ( if you believe in its powers)
– hostels usually have food for sale or are located in close proximity
Pocket utensils
– for those of you in a bind not wanting to eat pudding with your fingers.
In the event that you forget something or choose to go without in favor of a lighter pack, your fellow travelers are usually more than happy to help you out, usually being the operative word. I borrowed a blow dryer, shampoo, and even used someone’s laptop.