Leaving school today I had my spark back. Or should say “some pep in my step”?
Today is Pepero day or some kind of Korean Valentine’s Day. And it is also the day that Korea became fun again. I’m not sure when it stopped being fun.
I suppose I got sick around Halloween prep time and then had to miss school which resulted in a tiny controversey -“My worst day in Korea ever” blog. Plus Bristol hasn’t been easy to teach. But I’m feeling healthier and things are looking up.
“My worst day in Korea ever” quick recap! To make a long painful story as short and “sweet” as possible, I was told to miss school on four occaisions after being examined by the dr. and being diagnosed with tonsalitis and bronchitis. I missed the two days before Halloween. And then the Monday after Halloween. That was the kicker.
Ellie and co. told me that I shouldn’t have listened to the dr. about Monday. They explained that he only told me to stay home because he wanted me to get better. I’m thinking – well yeah – that’s what doctors do. And that’s WHY I stayed home. And I DID get better.
In Korea apparently you should work even if you have pneumonia. And you always give a day’s notice for a sick day which is sometimes virtually impossible. In America, if you call your employer on a Sunday morning and let them know that you anticipate feeling sick at about that time tomorrow, find a new job.
My situation was a little trickier. I had thought I had communicated that I wasn’t coming in on Monday. I had called Janet from the dr’s office on that Saturday. Somehow she “understood” that I was coming in. I think between her pressuring me to come in and me trying to nicely say I was sick, the message got lost. Quite honestly, even if I hadn’t told them until Monday morning (yes I had emailed and called Mon. am), me deciding to stay home is my decision. (Having a foreign teacher absent looks really bad apparently. I wish I had clearly said, “I am not coming to school on Monday.” Ah well, lesson learned.)
I truly had given it a lot of thought and in the end decided to follow the advice of my doctor, my mother, my father, a few concerned friends and myself. It didn’t help matters that when I let Janet speak to the doctor apparently he had told her I was ok to go to school. I’m not gonna say much more only that I had asked the dr. THREE TIMES if I was to go to school and each time he had said NO.
Ellie and Janet presented me with some letter that listed several other things I had “done wrong” including being sick and had me sign it. I was in tears as to its harshness. Looking back, I wish I had not signed it because I did not agree. But I also know that it’s not a big deal. That letter was nothing more than some sneaky attempt to make sure I never get sick again. Please rest assured I like my job. Never having taught before, it’s understandable to have some rough patches, especially living in Korea!
I know I have to stick up for myself out here just like I did when I first arrived and they wanted to change the amount of my contract. America and Korea really are two different countries, but more importantly, two different CULTURES.
Back to Pepero.
Pepero is a type of thin cooke stick with chocolate in it. Quite honestly I’m not even sure if you say Happy Pepero. I know that you’re supposed to share the treat with someone you like. They are selling them at all the stores and I’ve noticed that they are also selling Ferrero Rocher (maybe because Ferrero sounds like pepero only more expensive haha). I always make sure to wish my daddy a Happy Hallmark. We never want to forget who is responsible for such a commercialized holiday, right Dad?
Speaking of holidays, let’s tackle Christmas.
I suppose if I’m not gonna be home with my family and friends for Christmas I’ll just have to do the next best thing: bask on the beaches of Thailand. Whoo hoo!
With the help of John (the guy who got me out here) and Janet, I’ve found a flight to Bangkok, Thailand. No, it’s not booked but I’m in the process. THAILAND – can you believe it?! (Brittskys, how ironic is that??!!) Before the idea of Asia ever entered my mind, my friend Britt’s boyfriend went to Thailand for a month or so. I remember thinking how random, having no idea I’d ever set foot in Asia.
I had heard flights were going for around $500+ (or 500,000+ Won). However with the $200+ tax it’s over $800. Actually it’s $860 or 860,000 Won. It’s gotta be more than double that to get to the USA. (To be completely accurate, the dollar to won ratio is not that simple but it’s the easiest way to work it. The dollar DESPERATELY needs to go back up because I’m losing money!!)
I’m going to be staying with Melissa who taught in Korea last year and is now teaching in Thailand at a University. Melissa knows my friend Sara whom I met back when I worked at NJN Pubic Television. When I first told Sara that I was planning on working in Asia she got me in touch with Melissa who is probably the most enthusiastic person in the world. (Sara – I’ll send ya something good!)
Long story short, Melissa was a huge help in giving me advice on what to pack, etc. We’ve kept in touch and I’m so excited to finally meet her face to face! I had actually checked out Melissa’s blog to get an idea about Korea and that’s how I chose bootsnall.com. (‘Boots and all’ if you haven’t figured that out yet. Sadly a few of you are just now rereading my link.)
I’m set to fly out on Dec. 26th and return early early am on Jan. 3rd. On the 25th I know I’ll be crying – sobbing- to Holiday Inn and It’s a Wonderful Life and any Christmas carol I can get my hands on! I’ve never missed being with my family so this is going to be very hard. Heart-breaking despite the fact that Tash has invited me to her Christmas Eve party, and if I choose, to join her and her grandma on Christmas Day.
Hopefully I can get a camera for my computer. Oh crap – that was gonna be my Christmas present to myself but I’m taking myself to Thailand. I’ll figure something out.
And whoever hasn’t gotten skype yet, I’m threatening you. With what I’m not quite sure.
PS – Bristol was pretty decent for me during both classes today. I have been so absolutely frustrated with them. When they misbehave I look like an awful teacher (which of course I am- but I’m not THAT awful). So today I was relieved. Actually the whole airfare thing is more of a bonus to my good Bristol day. Either way, I’m feeling alive!!