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Bali Kembali

Friday, July 31st, 2009

get into wet suit-check…go snorkeling-check…swallow a lot of water-check…great view of fish and coral reef – check… get into wetsuit again – check… lay on surfboard-check… swallow more water-check…break leash on surfboard -check…get more sunburn – check…get tossed off surfboard-check.. kick instructor – check check check…ride that baby in 7 times – BAM!

Bali – first internet encounter

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

volcanoes – check. monkey forest – check. seeing monkeys humping – check.  insane balinese buffet – check. beach and cold drink- check.  arak – check. mingle with the locals – check. leave camera in a cab – check. burn the hell out of the backs of my knees – check. temple of holy water – check. snorkeling – tomorrow.  surfing – Friday. golden tan – working on it.  blocking out Korea – what’s Korea?

Holy Swine Flu

Wednesday, July 15th, 2009
On Tuesday Sue Teacher snuck up next to me at the cross walk on our way to the school shuttle bus.  "No kids today.  Swine flu in Jeongia."  My heart leaped for a moment but immediately I realized who I ... [Continue reading this entry]

when will they learn?

Wednesday, July 8th, 2009
And the North Koreans may be at it again... but I'm not gonna post every time they make a noise. That would be redudant. Officials: N. Korea believed behind cyber attacks

By HYUNG-JIN KIM, Associated Press Writer Hyung-jin Kim, Associated Press Writer ... [Continue reading this entry]


Saturday, July 4th, 2009
hmmm they were probably missles Happy 4th to all of you back home.  Despite all the haters out there, I am proud to be American. And trust me, once you leave the country and meet people from other places, America ... [Continue reading this entry]

Wild Thing

Thursday, June 18th, 2009

“Wild Thing

You make my heart sing


You make everything…






Meet the teachers of Helen Doron

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2009

Well Korea certainly has its way with the shady.  Here's the Helen Doron website where I'm advertised as having 3 years teaching experience, a minor in education and a certification in education.  Oh haha. Silly silly Korea. 

[Continue reading this entry]

Oh North Korea

Monday, June 1st, 2009
I suppose living in Korea this article should be included in my blog.  That and the fact that the ex-President of Korea committed suicide last week.  Oh happy day.

Reports: NKorea prepares long-range missile launch

AP ... [Continue reading this entry]

Japan is さ;亜うぇあlじゃはうぇあ amazing!!!

Tuesday, May 5th, 2009
亜がはあどへ, 亜歩いあうお永保愛h後愛へ追いhゴアへ w後はおうぇいおてょんぁどいてょh  亜sgリオアh後ウェg補遺和え尾p儀う所会いじぇゴア所;絵wg所;愛d後はおぴへ語彙は尾ペイh後パイへ語ph;派wdkl;jhが;おい背;tごん;青印g簿;エア隠語;愛援護;和え印g  亜うぇと, Yeah...

Kansai International Airport, Japan

Tuesday, May 5th, 2009
Due to a time crunch here:s an email to me rents.  Dear Mom and Dad, I cannot put into words or how AMAZING Kyoto, Japan is.  I kept thinking if only mom could take some drugs and dad:s legs could handle the long ... [Continue reading this entry]