BootsnAll Travel Network

Holy Swine Flu

On Tuesday Sue Teacher snuck up next to me at the cross walk on our way to the school shuttle bus.  “No kids today.  Swine flu in Jeongia.”  My heart leaped for a moment but immediately I realized who I was dealing with.  “Don’t F*ck with me Sue.  That wouldn’t be funny.”   She’s one of the best practical jokesters I know.  Definitely got me out of the house for an “early” shuttle one morning.   Shame on your Sue, though it was April Fool’s Day.

“No. I wouldn’t joke about this, ” Sue insisted.  “C’mon Sue.  I don’t believe you.  You’re messing with me.”  “I’m not!!  I’m supposed to be riding the bus with the kids this morning but look I’m here.”  Suddenly I realized she was being completely serious.  There was a chance of a day without classes!! Woot woot!

Once we got to school we were told that no kids would be coming in so we were to do prepping and whatnot all day. 

Later that afternoon we had a meeting during which we were told that there were EIGHT cases of swine flu in Jeongia, the next town over from where we live.  All of the infected children attend the same elementary school and are being quarantined.  This way it could not be spread.  Unfortunately one of the eight is the one year old sibling and might not make it. 

I believe swine flu is only very serious for weak immune systems.  There are talks of a vaccine in Korea come September. Who know what to believe though, eh?

What happened next I didn’t see coming.  Ellie (vice director) and Mr. Kim (Hans – kind of like a principal I guess and liason to the owner Mr. Kim) told us that they’d like us to cancel our vacations out of the country and stay in Korea to reduce the spread of swine flu.  Luckily Sue Teacher has been in Korea over three years and is a wonderful mediator. 

Apparently airplanes are a big concern because of the enclosed conditions.  We responded that so are subways which is how most of us get around and for almost all locations we must pass through the Jeongia station. And don’t forget buses.

The school had called all the parents and said that if any kids were leaving Korea during our vacation (July 25 – Aug.2) that they were not to come back to school for an entire week afterwards to allow time for symptoms to show.  I couldn’t help using the logic I had picked up from many a science lab.  Would it not be necessary to ask everyone in the province of Bun Dang-Gu to stay home as well because you must remove all variables or you will not be successful.   

As we listened to all the talk of swine flu, security and money, I fiddled with the camera I had my hand to keep from making an outburst I would later regret.  I watched everyone’s faces intently and mouthed to Sue, “Help us!”

After it was clear we had arrived at a stalemate, Sue eloquently said that it wasn’t that we didn’t care or did not understand that concerns of the school.  Rather we did not see the logic behind the decision and we also needed more options.  I wish I could be so put together.  So calm and rational in such situations. 

Then Laura Teacher mentioned an idea about phone education. “It’s actually Sue’s idea…”  Sue then piped up with ‘so-and-so school’ does it, ‘so-and-so school’ being their biggest competitor.   Well played Sue Teachaaah.

Let me break it down.  Flu symptoms start to show within seven days.  In order to let flu symptoms manifest, none of us leaving the country would be allowed to return to teaching until seven days after we’d landed in Korea.  This includes just about everyone except Ana who is only going to Busan (Korean beach area).  Instead of closing school, all the kids who did not leave the country on vacation would come to school for a fun summer camp-ish week. For twenty minutes out of every day, each child would receive a phone call from their foreign teacher to practice their skills.

This boils down to each of us calling all 20 of our kids and talking to each of them for 20 minutes.  I’d like to hear my kids say something other than Aimee Teacher and I love you.  This outta be good.  Gotta get my cell fixed pronto!

Ellie was very keen on the idea and we have a feeling that she may convince Mr. Kim (Hans – whatever his name is) to go with it.  This way the children would be “safe” from us and they wouldn’t have to refund any tuition for closing the school.  I just hope we’re safe from the kids. 😉

Yesterday I met up with one of my Korean teacher friends Bella who said she heard on the news that there were three more cases in Jeongia.  This morining (Thursday) I received a text that said someone had been infected where we live in Migeum.   So much for an effective quarantine. 

It remains to be seen what’s going to happen for tomorrow and the days and weeks to come. Quite honestly I might feel safer OUT of Korea at this point. haha. 

To be updated… PROMISE!

Reporting live from swine flu country,

This is Aimee

PS my friends are off to Jeongia for brunch right now. I bet someone gets the sausage!  😉 

Too soon?  


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