Jan. 2 – Mexico
Day 154 – On the road again!!! Wow, one month was pretty long in one small town, but the perfect amount for us. It was enough time to get a feel for the town and make a few friends, but not enough to start getting settled or too comfortable. We have heard a lot people come down to Baja as a stop on a trip down to Central or South America end up getting stuck in Baja. Personally, I don’t think Baja is a paradise that would trap me, but I enjoyed being there very much. It was a great stepping stone for the rest of our trip.
Landscape off the ferry from the port outside of La Paz
Our transportation to the mainland was the Baja ferry that travels to Topolobampo. The ride was long, but there were a lot of people to talk to, they play movies, and it’s a perfect setting for reading a book. The ticket includes a free cafeteria meal, which tastes a good as any cafeteria meal, though we missed out on the cake 🙁 it was served in the late evening. I think the highlight of our time on the ferry was watching a few schools of dolphins play chase with us and show off by doing flips and jumping out of the water really high; and also watching a Jim Carrey film in Spanish.
Those specks are dolphins jumping around
Getting ready for the ferry was no problem at all. We registered our car with the Banjercito to get our temporary visa. The process was very simple; all we had to do was supply copies of our registration, drivers licenses, passports, and tourist visas. They did the paper work and we paid $27usd on my visa card, then it was done. Customs was just fine, also. Everything went extremely smooth and couldn’t have been easier.
Ironically enough we met a couple from Washington State that had almost the exact same VW Van as us, just one year newer! They pulled up right behind us in line as we were waiting to get onto the ferry. Lucy and Berny were traveling down to visit a friend in Mexico – I can’t forget to mention Berny’s extremely cute dog Mara. We didn’t get off the ferry until around 10.00pm and caravanned with Lucy and Berny through the small highway that lead to Los Mochis and stayed at an RV park there.
Port of Topolobampo
Tags: 08 - Mexico, la paz
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