Aug 28 – NV
Day 27 – Today we are taking care of our last minute preparation for trip to Black Rock City. We will arrive there tonight and stay for a week. And just found out we have much further to drive than we thought — So, no time to upload pics right now…. Sorry! But, you get a week off from reading our wonderful blog, but don’t’ think we are not thinking of you and pre-paring for our next entry 😉 I am excited for the rest of our trip along highway 50 and a week of staying in one location.
Tags: 03 - USA - Rocky Mountains
i am tired of blogging i will see tomorow how u are doing bibi
hey guys! tiff here.. just got home from the playa! i looked for you guys to say goodbye but didnt have any luck! it was a pleasure meeting you guys and rocking the playa! you guys are wonderful people and i very much look forward to following you guys on your journey!
April and Jason,
It’s Raphael from camp Frogma…Just wanted to say hi and that I look forward to hearing about all your adventures. Take care, and happy travels!