Aug 26 – CO/UT
Day 25 – So, it is the second day that I have worn jeans due to the temperature outside and not the mosquitoes. Transitioning from the humid hot east and southern coast to the dry heat of Texas wasn’t bad. The temperatures were the same there was just less humidity, and of course we enjoyed that. Than, change of hot to the cooler very dry mountain air of the Rocky Mountains was a bit of a stun to the body, in a good way. We now are experiencing cooler nights and a very dry climate – we’re not sweating all the time and our noses are quiet dry inside. We have been drinking a lot of water to help make up for the dry air, and I even started using moisturizer on my face again (haven’t really done that since the beginning of summer).
Highway 70 west from Denver was extremely beautiful. As we started to ascend the mountains towards our peak of 11,990 foot elevation at Loveland Pass the mountains were sharp rugged rocks pretty bare except for some evergreen trees sprinkled here and there. Than, the trees started gathering more and some grass was appearing with a few bushes. The red rock started appearing the further west we drove and the trees came and went as they pleased. These mountains are very steep and made our car work very hard to climb up and than just cruising down the steep grades of 7 & 8% – I can’t even try to explain the views into the valleys and through the mountain range, that is what pictures are for.
We broke off of I-70 to take highway 128 south to Arches National Park. The drive down to the park was exquisite with red cliffs channeling us and the Colorado river through the canyon. We admired the new surrounding environment with gaping mouths full of ‘oh, look at that’ and ‘wow, that is beautiful’. We’ve both have been through areas like this before, but the splendor of it still is something to get use to.
pics of a cayon we drove through to get to arches
We arrived at Arches National Park at the end of the day and toured the park with very few other travelers – making it much more magical. We didn’t leave the park until after dark, the sunset and sharp shadows were magnificent. All the stars that appeared in the sky, I forgot when in total darkness how many millions of pin pricks there are in the night sky, shined like diamonds. We camped that night along the Colorado river off of highway 128, there were tons of campsites along the river. It was our first times using sleeping bags that night and gazed at the stars before falling asleep.
Pics of the rockies in CO…
Denver Skyline
Rocky Mountains
More Rocky Mountains
More Rockies
More Rockies
agian, some rockies
Tags: 03 - USA - Rocky Mountains
snap april u write a lot