BootsnAll Travel Network

Left the Yogis for the Bears

February 5th, 2007

Da Bears

Well folks, as speculated…we couldn’t hang at the Ashram for the full two weeks. It was kind of like a church camp full of New-Agers. Here is the daily schedule:

5:30 Wake up (ok fine.)
6:00 – 7:30 Thirty minutes of group meditation followed by an HOUR of CHANTING
8:00 – 10:00 Yoga (we both loved the yoga)
10:15 Brunch
11:00 Swami Lecture
12:30 Chores
15:30 – 17:30 Yoga
18:00 Dinner (all vegetarian. one night we were served rice with water. no joke)
19:30-21:30 More meditating and a lot more chanting
22:00 Mandatory bed time

Highlights included: After the “rice with water” dinner, JR and I munched on Clif bars and he mentioned a certain longing for Taco Bell. A girl overheard his dirty American craving and gasped “NO! Don’t say that!” JR’s reply: “Yea, actually I really like Taco Bell…and I really want it right now.” She then covered her mouth as if to block the rice & water meal from being regurgitated. We also managed to make friends with the only person there who had smuggled in Oreos. (this posting sounds like we were at fat camp for husky kids)

Bottom line, the yoga was awesome…but chanting for hours a day and pretending like we were Hindu for the week felt phony. We did meet some really interesting people, and a lot of vigilant vegetarians. More power to the people who stayed, we just couldn’t handle it. And besides…we had to escape to the nearest city to catch the Super Bowl. We woke up at 4:30am to watch our Chicago Bears….lose.

Da Bears

Now we’re off to Madurai for a day to see a temple…then up into the mountains for some relief from the heat. In the meantime I’ll try to get JR to let me photograph some of his favorite yoga poses. OM!

p.s. You know how people will pick up a microphone and say “Testing, testing”? Well at the Ashram, this phrase was replaced with “Om, om”. I found this hilarious.

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Like Florida, but way better: Varkala Beach India

January 29th, 2007

Varkala Beach North

Ahh…we’ve discovered a real gem. Our departure from Bangalore (which I’ve affectionately dubbed Bangashitlore) was not without drama and despair. A waiter directed us to the train station using a shortcut, which basically involved dark creepy streets which are best to be avoided by two American whimps at 9pm. We were trudging along, and passed group of wild dogs. Stray dogs are everywhere in Bangalore, but we were assured by locals that they were harmless. Well these dogs either hated our huge packs, or they were just plain racist…because they started growling. One snarl lead to another, and the next thing you know we’re power walking like a Midwestern mom down a dark street heaving huge 40 lb packs getting chased by another pack of barking snarling wild dogs. I haven’t experienced fear that real…maybe ever. I was just waiting to be robbed of a huge chunk of calf-flesh…and was trying to think about how I’d avoid falling down and getting mauled by all of them. It was terrifying. Luckily the dogs acted as though they were contained by an invisible fence, they stopped once they reached about 8 feet from my heels. Animal rights shmanimal rights, if anyone from the Bangalorean government is reading this right now, do your city a favor and shoot the gd dogs.

We finally reached the train and boarded for our 16 hour ride. I won’t go into detail, but it wasn’t necessarily our favorite. Here is a picture of JR trying to get some shut-eye:

16 hour Train

The 16 hour train ride was well worth it. Varkala Beach is on the western coast near the southern tip of India, on the Arabian sea. Its absolutely stunning. Read the rest of this entry »


india…culture shock

January 24th, 2007

After an 11.5 hour flight (including 2 hours of circling the airport due to fog) we finally arrived in Bangalore this morning.

My former experience with the concept of culture shock occured after returning home from study abroad in college. After today, I would liken that former feeling to the “shock” one experiences when driving across the border from Michigan to Ohio.

This place is completely insane. Traffic that makes Chicago rush hour look like a driving range for the elderly. Its smoggy, crazy, and there doesn’t seem to be too many chicks with blonde hair & blue eyes…so I’m getting stared at like a huge booger is permanantly suspended out of my nose. The drive from the airport to the hotel was treacherous, and I won’t even talk about the state of our hotel room. I almost cried,then almost puked, then almost cried again. After a 6 hour nap to soothe the jet lag and calm our nerves…we’re feeling better. Just had a huge Indian dinner for a whopping $6. (note the association of feeling better with food. Textbook.)

We hope to update with photos soon. I should have snapped a pic of my sunglasses falling off onto the street… inches away from a suspicious brown pile of poo.


Slip into a Salwar

January 3rd, 2007

Salwar!Well I just found out today that upon our arrival in India, I get to go shopping. For a salwar. Yep, this is what I’ll be wearing everybody. This get-up will look hot & sexy paired with my manly hiking boots.

We leave in 17 days. 17 days to eat as much Mexican food as possible. Maybe the salwar won’t be so shabby afterall.

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T-minus 48 days!

November 28th, 2006

In the next 48 days, we have just a couple things to do. First of all, it’s the holidays. Which means lots of parties and lots of hangovers…which are severely detrimental to being productive individuals. The holidays also mean we’re supposed to buy gifts for our families…which I frankly don’t want to spring for. (I’m cashing in my once-in-a-lifetime Ebenezer Scrooge card) Aside from the holiday hub-bub, we need to sell/get rid of 70% of our belongings, pack up & store what we’re keeping, move out of our place, quit our jobs, finish preparing & planning for our trip, go to all of our favorite Chicago restaurants & bars for “one last time”, prevent our mothers from a severe tear-duct drought (note to self: give the gift of booze for the Mommies at Christmas), AND at some point I need to make it to the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art. Somehow in the past 3 1/2 years I haven’t made it, and I can’t live with myself.

Oh and how can I forget…must collect various photos of Ken Lay so I can swiftly identify him sipping pina coladas on the beaches of Thailand. America, JR and I will make it our mission to bring this man to justice and expose GW for abusing the witness protection program. You don’t wanna step to this Kenny boy.

Off to make yet another painfully large purchase…butch hiking boots.
