Welcome to China, “almost” land of the rising sun :)
Wednesday, May 2nd, 2007Nihaao!!!! CHINA IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
I’ve only being here for a day but I’m loving it!! It’s So different!!! I think I’m gonna have a great time here and this is only starting. At the Vietnamese border, a guy comes to me and offers me to exchange money, Dongs (Vietnam) for Yuan (China). I never exchange in the black market, but I had only 7000D ($ 0.5) and I knew the exchange rate. What could happen?? Well he was offering me 5 Yuan which was a pretty good exchange, so I decide to accepted it. It had been a good thing for me if I only knew that Chinese have cents in bills and not in coins!! The bastard gave me 5 cents of Yuan instead of 5 yuan!! Ahhh! When I noticed I could only laugh at my ignorance… [read on]