BootsnAll Travel Network

who are they?

November 24th, 2005

Really, who are they? The dynamice duo. The sister heroines. The voice and sight of the superbeing. That is right I said superbeings. We are all super in our powers. We must concentrate on momentum. On sight. On receiving. And we become superbeings. That’s right, I said superbeings.
So there they were ( the superbeings) being aware of the momentum and from the depths of the universe of self ; unravel the card in a booth. And give forth a number. Call. I did.


Uncool Cat is saved

November 23rd, 2005

Uncool cat get’s saved by the duo hero team Michelle and Rebecca. They found the number. Is this a miracle? If they were in medevil times they would be stated saints. Because I saw a miracle. Yet they are women so they would be challenged by the bishop most likely because women did not have souls and had to prove themselves by grouling trial. Thank the women of the world for persisting in the voice of women and the truth of every one having a soul.
So Uncool cat is saved by the saintly dynamic duo team Michelle and Rebecca. Let the phone calling begin… Until next time this is offically ” and scene”.


Uncool cat strikes again

November 22nd, 2005

Okay so we went looking for the phone number in a different way. We hunted where he worked this summer and then called that place and left the phone number to call…… uncool. I believe this is and “scene”


more action

November 22nd, 2005

So there we were last night having one of our at home board meetings with the turtles present. I believe they were so happy to be a part of the theatre of democracy. When we went to vote on the changing of an idea Zeus got all serious and crawled out of the water and sat on the rock facing all of us making sure it was the right choice. Then Caspian got up and started messing with Zeus when suddenly they were on top of eachother and all you can hear is the grinding of the asphalt on rocks as we all turn our heads and hope they stop soon. They do the moment we start talking about saving the planet and there they are staring at us and extremly still. I think suddenly thier ancesotry kicked in and they wanted to hear what us silly humans could do to save the planet. Wouldn’t it be interesting if we all rode around on large land tortoises instead of cars. Life would move much slower.


super cool kid on the block

November 21st, 2005

Okay let us talk about how cool a person can be. I mean have you ever thought yah I got my shit together. I’m playing it cool and then wham something happens. And you are so not cool.
So this kid is me and I can surpassed uncoolness. Last night I recieved a phone number from a rather attractive and nice gentleman. I thought this is a perfect note to my not so perfect day I was having. He said to call him and he mentioned we could have some wine and talk. Very nice.
Then I kept on going and suddenly looked for his”card” and it was gone. Poof , vanished, no where to be found and I mean no where. I really looked too. So that is my first entry of a uncool cat like myself. Thinking I was cool. The possible saga will be called Uncool Cat.
Stay tuned


Holiday attempt

November 20th, 2005

So everyone I am attempting a new kind of Turkey day. This is a old Lucas/Havenberg/Thompkins tradition but it is new to the Portland crew. It is called Progressive Thanksgiving day. What is that you ask, well it is traveling between each course to a differant house. We will have apps at one house Kristin and Sam and the entree at Free and Erickas house and then dessert at Julianna,Lisa and my house. With of course a rip roaring game of celebrity. Which if you haven’t played celebrity yet you need to speak up and demand to play. For it is a true hoot for the whole gang. So I am giving you a heads up so that I can share the results with youall. I am so excited. Happy turkey day to you and yours.


New housemate -plus

November 20th, 2005

A new update I just got a new roomamte and what she brings besides here crazy humor and talents with the camera she has brought two water turtles to the house. They are named Zeus and Caspian. The other night I was up late online and they began having sex while I was working. I was like you got to be kidding there getting it on while i work a foot away from me. I was trying to figure if this was a territorial thing or if they were just show off. In the morning I tell Lisa and she says turtles don’t get it on. that they lay eggs and then fertilize them by sitting on them. This I did not know. Then what were they doing? That is why I am keeping a close on their activities.



November 20th, 2005

Alright by the few who have gazed at this blog they have asked for some infomation, so I will honor requests.
My name is Lindsay Jordan Lucas I was born on March 1st 1976 to my fab parents Kristen and Rayce Lucas. That is right I said Rayce. If you meet him you will understand the energy of the name. I live here in Portland OR but have travled somewhat long and had some far out trips before I arrived here. The list is long but if your curious I will let you know. I love to play and play and be silly because sometimes my life is very serious and defently deep. Henceforth laughing is a must.
I think connect and listening are very important components to ones life and I enjoy all the people that I listen with and connect to.
I started this blog because I had gotten back from Germany on a cruise that right cruisin’ through Germany. And some people had no idea I left to go anywhere andwhere ever I went it wasn’t the place I actually went. So I thought this is a great way to begin dialogue with so much happening in the world and I have a friend who kept asking and encouraging me to take the weblog plunge.
So I did and if I keep it it it could be a good form of communication.
Keep up
Much love and fall colors


movie snacks

November 7th, 2005

So I have this fun new job slinging cocktails at Newport Seafood Grill on 12th and Broadway NE. (Come see me) and last night I met this couple that had just come from the movie The Constant Gardner. I have not seen this film yet but thay were truly moved. Tears and all. But they shed some light on me about some movies snacks that I had never thought of.
Okay Carmel Corn: jolly time microwave popcorn, heat it up and then add milk duds to it and you get carmel corn. Can you imagine. Sticky, chewy and chocolate carmel buttery popcorn? So then the guy tells me that if you put a red vine with the popcorn it is heaven. I think I could vomit. Too much sugar, carmel in my teeth and butter in my veins. Blugh (that was my vomit)
Come see me and we can share more tips of snacks or what ever.



November 5th, 2005

Have you ever just watch some one wake up? I mean witness the actual process of the eyes opening to something completly new. Seeing in thier eyes the discovery of a whole new landscape? Those eyes are fresh and somehow young and wise at the same moment. And the true question; of how does one actually open those eyes to see something new. Definetly by choice and internal investigation but how do they come to it. What did they shed and how do they release everything once taught to them.
I feel like I make that choice everyday. Somedays I choose not to open both eyes, I mean what if the day is grey and I can’t see beyond the fog just yet. I do live in Portland so the grey anology doesn’t work really but really it is a true choice every day to open those eyes and breathe the days breath.
Yet I ask again have you ever watched some one wake up?
