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Archive for November, 2005

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TN Turtle time

Wednesday, November 30th, 2005

Okay so there is an interesting dynamic going on with the turtles. First off we have no idea what sex either of these turtles are. Zeus is larger than Caspian in size and generally dominates the tank. Sometimes Zeus gets in Caspians face and takes it’s hand/fins and waves them in Caspians face. Lisa says that Zeus is bitch slapping Caspian.
I think that Caspian sort of likes it. Caspian doesn’t move or try to get out of the way when Zeus is doing the “wave in face” action. So I was wondering if it was like tickling the face kind of movement.
Today Shanthi our 2 and a half year old neighbor came over to look at the turtles and when Zeus climbed out of the water she cried out “There he is” and when Caspian stuck it’s head out of the water she yelped” Oh she’s cute”
So whe are confused. Any thoughts???

I am concerned

Tuesday, November 29th, 2005

I am concerned
about the unconcerned
about the twisted thoughts
that warp, rack and become ingrained in the soul
for generations
I am concerned
about deception and how it mixes with power
leading you to believe you are better than
I am concerned
that equality is still misssing
I am outraged
that we think that is okay
I am a woman
living in the United States
I pay homage to all that have come before me
fighting for the voice of women, men and humanity
From them and with them I speak
and I will not shut up.
I am concerned

Progressive Turkey Day

Saturday, November 26th, 2005
I want to express the thankfulness and rock and roll that took place for Turkey Day. I began my morning with making homemade cranberry sauce. Thanks mom and headed over to Angie's to help and hang out since I was ... [Continue reading this entry]

who are they?

Thursday, November 24th, 2005
Really, who are they? The dynamice duo. The sister heroines. The voice and sight of the superbeing. That is right I said superbeings. We are all super in our powers. We must concentrate on momentum. On sight. On receiving. And ... [Continue reading this entry]

Uncool Cat is saved

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2005
Uncool cat get's saved by the duo hero team Michelle and Rebecca. They found the number. Is this a miracle? If they were in medevil times they would be stated saints. Because I saw a miracle. Yet they are women ... [Continue reading this entry]

Uncool cat strikes again

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2005
Okay so we went looking for the phone number in a different way. We hunted where he worked this summer and then called that place and left the phone number to call...... uncool. I believe this is and "scene"

more action

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2005
So there we were last night having one of our at home board meetings with the turtles present. I believe they were so happy to be a part of the theatre of democracy. When we went to vote on the ... [Continue reading this entry]

super cool kid on the block

Monday, November 21st, 2005
Okay let us talk about how cool a person can be. I mean have you ever thought yah I got my shit together. I'm playing it cool and then wham something happens. And you are so not cool. So this ... [Continue reading this entry]

Holiday attempt

Sunday, November 20th, 2005
So everyone I am attempting a new kind of Turkey day. This is a old Lucas/Havenberg/Thompkins tradition but it is new to the Portland crew. It is called Progressive Thanksgiving day. What is that you ask, well it is traveling ... [Continue reading this entry]

New housemate -plus

Sunday, November 20th, 2005
A new update I just got a new roomamte and what she brings besides here crazy humor and talents with the camera she has brought two water turtles to the house. They are named Zeus and Caspian. The ... [Continue reading this entry]