Are you there baby jesus, it’s me Lindsay
So I have been getting some complaints as to where the heck did I disappear to. Well for a while I couldn’t get into the blog so that was that and then life just kept cruzing along so that ws that. Let see update from last entry which I believe was in July. Ohmy….
August: went to Auburn for Mom’s birthday bash. What great celebration. We had an awesome time chilling by the pool and having the all time great summer BBQ. Christie and i did it up with decorations and yummy cake and good all around laughter. Happy Birthday mom.
September: what a big month! Started it off with the most epic journey to the Gorge to see Dave Mathews. Will never do that again. if you would haven’t heard the story and have about an hour I would love to share it otherwise fucking forget I ever went. Please baby jesus in the manger in your loin cloth with beautiful wispy hair forgive me for stepping off of the path. I don’t know what I was thinking. Well I wasn’t.
Then we had a huge celebration for Sarah. A wonderful surprise party. We had a limo pick us up at the resturant and drove us to Edgefield where we spent the night played golf had a wonderful dinner and had a rip roaring time. Her and 7 of her friends. What a blast.
I am off Match!!!!!! Boy what a relief.
October: came and we opened Leni our first mainstage production of the season. What an incredible show. The outreach program of Insight is doing great we did two tours already by this point and rehearsing another tour as well.
Let see what else happened. Oh I met a boy. Well I should say a damn fine man. Oh baby jesus now that you are a toddler I thank you for your gift that you have bestowed apon me. Thank you for working your everloving magic my way.
He is wonderful we met in late September and have been moving right along.
November: Julianna’s birthday and celebration of one year from her surgery. Yah girl. We had an incredible birthday party for her. A tattoo party. I know, I know but it was awesome. We rented a studio and had about 12 other people get a tattoo while Julianna had her first tattoo done. It was a beautiful ritual of celebration. And yes I got another tattoo. It rocks.
Well at the end of the month Julianna and I will be going to New York to see shows and play around the big apple. Until next time love you all and happy turkey feasting as well.
Tags: Travel
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