BootsnAll Travel Network

New housemate -plus

A new update I just got a new roomamte and what she brings besides here crazy humor and talents with the camera she has brought two water turtles to the house. They are named Zeus and Caspian. The other night I was up late online and they began having sex while I was working. I was like you got to be kidding there getting it on while i work a foot away from me. I was trying to figure if this was a territorial thing or if they were just show off. In the morning I tell Lisa and she says turtles don’t get it on. that they lay eggs and then fertilize them by sitting on them. This I did not know. Then what were they doing? That is why I am keeping a close on their activities.


One response to “New housemate -plus”

  1. admin says:

    turtles don’t do it, lindsay. They share moments.

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