Nov 1st
November 1st, 2005Today is my dear friend Julianna Luana Jaffe’s 27th birthday. I met her 10years ago at our college. One of my most memorable moments of our synergy was after the first week of school. The teachers gathered the class together and as we sat in the traditional theatre circle they asked us to nominate our class representives. Julianna and I both raised our hands. They called on her and she said Lindsay Lucas. I was stunned and looked at her saying I nominate Julianna Jaffe. Right then and there we both saw the instant respect we held for eachother.
Today on the day of her birth I hold even more respect for the amazing women. 5 days ago she underwent back surgery. This operation held some fear and trepidation for her but as everyone she knew gathered in the hospital to support and wish her luck. Her fear subsided and her courage began to be her banner for the next literal steps she will take. This women is amazing like this. Always facing a challenge with fear and courage. This is one of the qualities I admire in her. The way one can see the obstacle and then gatheres great tools to overcome the obstacle. May we all be blessed with such wisdom.
Happy birthday my dear sweet friend.