Have you ever just watch some one wake up? I mean witness the actual process of the eyes opening to something completly new. Seeing in thier eyes the discovery of a whole new landscape? Those eyes are fresh and somehow young and wise at the same moment. And the true question; of how does one actually open those eyes to see something new. Definetly by choice and internal investigation but how do they come to it. What did they shed and how do they release everything once taught to them.
I feel like I make that choice everyday. Somedays I choose not to open both eyes, I mean what if the day is grey and I can’t see beyond the fog just yet. I do live in Portland so the grey anology doesn’t work really but really it is a true choice every day to open those eyes and breathe the days breath.
Yet I ask again have you ever watched some one wake up?
Tags: Life of Lulu
Daily and yes with each aware breath I watch Awakening…with myself over past recent months, years, and in my present reflection…that much more awake to the open eyes of others.
What is it that makes humanity wake up? It is those reflections, the mirror, people see in others. What is it that enables us to really see that mirror? That is another good question.
I love your idea of “shedding” or releasing previous truths to find the organic truth within. How does that happen? Perhaps it is the resonation, the vibration really, with the inner knowing within which has always existed but was masked or confused with the frequencies of others?
…to finding, choosing, those connections within and between us all, but finding our own vibration…