What’s up with this blog?
I Don’t know what is going on in this blog. The sight made some changes and how my typing is changing the font size- Sorry – not my intent! I don’t mean to highlight that area anymore then the rest. In this case -don’t read between the lines! HAHA
In real time I am almost 1 week past the time with Noeline- but it is taking forever to write all that happened. I have been told that I need to move on from the hostel – the barter for a bed is coming to an end. Busy time is coming and they need to make money on renting out the room I have been living in. No hard feelings, I understand business. So I am in desperate mode to find a place to lay my head.
And today I looked at my passport and found that I am ILLIGAL as of today! They mis-stamped my passport for only 1 month and not 3. so I would have been screwed! But by a fluke I got to the immigration and they updated me for the final 2 months that I can stay in this country. Have exausted the hunt for gettind duel citizenship (missed it by one generation!) so my last hope is to find me a nice Irish boy (man) and get married to stay in the country! HAHA – just a joke! I now know what the movie “Greencard” means!
Something will turn up. Pray for me EVERYONE! I love this country, but I can’t seem to stay here.
I have a few things on the burner, and we’ll see what happens.
My sister Traci said that she heard that people that are not-family or friends are reading my blog?!?! I am shocked! I thought only family and friends could put up with my ramblings! But if any would just like to make a comment even if just their first name and where they are from- I would love to know! And I’m sure everyone else would too!
OK – Off. Take care everyone.
Love Kym
Tags: Travel
Dear Kym,
Yes…on the last message about Noeline…there are stats on the right column and
it says that over 300 unique people have read your blog. Awesome!
You go girl!
You ARE A travel writer already. See?
Keep up the good work.
Hey girl,
Always thinking of you. I past out all the cards you gave us, and at the coffee shop. So yes more then just family are reading it. I so wish you all the best of luck. We are praying for you. The girls are great. Raeley took a map to school to show all her friends were her aunt Kym is. WE LOVE YOU AND THINGS WILL WORK OUT GREAT FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Kym,
I am so happy that it’s turning out to be the wonderful adventure that so many of us believed it would be for you.
You have quite a flair for writing as I’m sure you know.
I just wanted you to know that I was thinking of you and sending good thoughts and prayers your way.
Don said to say hello
Can’t wait to hear more……….
Take Care