BootsnAll Travel Network

Inevitable Interregnum?

So, after an initial flurry of excitement and postings, the gap between now and the start of the World Cup means a rather dry period of musings and attempts to goad others. I can only assume that everyone is busy researching stuff like the gross domestic product of Tunisia. However, a couple of administrative matters need resolving.

Who set up the website? It’s very good and it would appear it is Rob we have to thank. In that case please send pics to him. If it isn’t you, let us know Rob.

On the website, where will postings take place – here or there? I think here as it’d easier (for me) to log in. But I see there is a case to transfer the lot to the website. Views.

Most importantly, it seems that we still have a lot of orphan teams – what of the Dutch, for instance. Or have people been put off by Ruud’s petulance? It seems as though a wider audience is yet to be found to take up the remaining teams. Any ideas.

Anyway, off to watch Gerrard get his customary injury in the final. Here’s a picture from JK…


Allah Loves Iran

PS – Waste 10 minutes here…


4 responses to “Inevitable Interregnum?”

  1. admin says:

    The Website is indeed my handiwork, so pics for the album should be sent to, not sure on how to up the visitors other than changing the name to ‘’ but i will get us added to google and yahoo etc…
    i stuck the chat room in for post match discussion on nights when we’re not down the pub, thought that could be quite cool for head to heads! are people havin problems logging into the website builder section? if so, i’ll stick some instructions in an e mail. we need to get the blog wrking properly as well, with the new posts at the top, so everyone stays up to date, i tried to fix it but it won’t let me! i blame angela…. i’m okay with pulling stuff off the blog and sticking them on the site, though we could equally use the team reports section of the site as thats using a blog framework, but i’m easy. so far ruud is joining chester or psv…. oh and by the way what a bunch of spawny cheating no good bin dipping….. ah well as long as gerrard does that for england, tho you know he won’t…

  2. JK says:

    What a shitey weekend. Spawney vermin in Cardiff, Little Huns @Hampden and Limerick do their usual against Tipp today. Bright side is I’ve barred a load of Scousers from the club. Tee hee!

  3. Allah Loves Iran says:

    I think the occasional quote should be dropped in in place of tunes of the day (although they may come later). Today’s effort…

    “Moving from Wales to Italy is like moving to a different country” – Ian Rush

  4. Cath says:

    I am indeed spending many hours researching the GDP, average birth rates, and notable Guiness world records of my teams’ home countries.
    All this in an effort to eventually distract readers from the inevitable lack of footballing knowledge when I’m required to put in a post.
    Am also alarmed to discover that both my teams are apparently quite good and might get past the 1st round.
    Potentially then , more thinly disguised attempts to look like I know what I’m talking about than planned. Oh dear.

    Have to go. They are about to perform a controlled explosion on the WW2 bomb floating in the Mersey. Hope they let us watch

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