Fact: bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.
Thursday, October 18th, 2007Fun bear-related trivia, the Colbert Report had a threat down anniversary which featured bears eating Stephen’s book. It made me giggle.
Yay! Long weekend tomorrow! Woo-hoo! I’m gonna finish Good Omens and read Stardust and watch more Doctor Who. And sleep. A LOT. Sounds brilliant to me.
A native bird, the Tui, has returned to Christchurch after several decades of being locally extinct. Cool beans, no?
I empathize with Faye. Getting fit is pricey. I had to buy shoes, a workout outfit and towel, gym membership, and I’m paying for beginners Pilates. Had I decided to stay a lazy butt during my time here, I wouldn’t be at all worried about travel funds. But I feel better and I’m stronger now. So I’m sure it’s all worth it.
Speaking of the gym; fun little story from the other day. So – my routine for my gym towel on Tuesday was something along the lines of this; pick up my gym towel from where it’s been hanging in my room overnight, toss it in my shoulder bag, stick it under my desk at work during the day, take it in my shoulder bag to the gym, carry it around the gym for about 5 minutes until a baby tarantula falls out and hits the floor with a resounding thud. Ok – it wasn’t actually a tarantula – I don’t know what kind of spider it was, but it was over an inch long and it really did thud. So…. I’d love to know at what point during my day I picked that up. Much as I love spiders, finding a very large one practically on you does get your heart racing.
Shocking, shocking news out of the Bush administration. An anti-birth control extremist has been appointed to the Office of Population Affairs to run the family planning program. But of course. Sign a petition to protest.
A record 63 films qualify for the Foreign Language Oscar, including first time entrant Ireland. It took me a second (I need more coffee), but it isn’t foreign film, it’s foreign language film.