Fact: bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.
Fun bear-related trivia, the Colbert Report had a threat down anniversary which featured bears eating Stephen’s book. It made me giggle.
Yay! Long weekend tomorrow! Woo-hoo! I’m gonna finish Good Omens and read Stardust and watch more Doctor Who. And sleep. A LOT. Sounds brilliant to me.
A native bird, the Tui, has returned to Christchurch after several decades of being locally extinct. Cool beans, no?
I empathize with Faye. Getting fit is pricey. I had to buy shoes, a workout outfit and towel, gym membership, and I’m paying for beginners Pilates. Had I decided to stay a lazy butt during my time here, I wouldn’t be at all worried about travel funds. But I feel better and I’m stronger now. So I’m sure it’s all worth it.
Speaking of the gym; fun little story from the other day. So – my routine for my gym towel on Tuesday was something along the lines of this; pick up my gym towel from where it’s been hanging in my room overnight, toss it in my shoulder bag, stick it under my desk at work during the day, take it in my shoulder bag to the gym, carry it around the gym for about 5 minutes until a baby tarantula falls out and hits the floor with a resounding thud. Ok – it wasn’t actually a tarantula – I don’t know what kind of spider it was, but it was over an inch long and it really did thud. So…. I’d love to know at what point during my day I picked that up. Much as I love spiders, finding a very large one practically on you does get your heart racing.
Shocking, shocking news out of the Bush administration. An anti-birth control extremist has been appointed to the Office of Population Affairs to run the family planning program. But of course. Sign a petition to protest.
A record 63 films qualify for the Foreign Language Oscar, including first time entrant Ireland. It took me a second (I need more coffee), but it isn’t foreign film, it’s foreign language film.
I’m really going to try to be better about only posting linkspam I’m really excited about, or that I have some comment on.
Ben Kingsley; ‘Britney Spears is my inspiration’. Yeah…. Nothing.
7 Hunks of Horror. Ok – I’m giving up on making sure to comment on things (already), because sometimes fun stuff just needs to be passed along. And this picture is always worth another gander. (Although how they could include Timothy Olyphant from Scream 2 and not Skeet Ulrich from Scream 1 is beyond me). (In the name of sexual preference equality; 7 hottest chicks of horror)
Angelina in Clint Eastwood’s The Changeling. Soo pretty…. There. That’s my comment.
Top 15 mis-quoted movie lines. “Badgers! We don’t need no stinkin’ badgers!”
More Halloween-y goodness; movies that freaked out celebs as kids. I believe I’ve already mentioned Willy Wonka, the Twilight Zone movie, Watership down, and the Large Marge scene from Pee Wee (not that it stopped me from re-watching that one many times). The end of who framed roger rabbit (when Christopher Lloyd goes buggy-eyed) scared me. But the number one thing that scared me as a child was some horror movie my dad was watching that had this little spiky brown ball monsters. I have no idea what it was (my only memory of the film is a spiky ball rolling to a girls bed and being stepped on, and a man in a bunny suit being attacked by the things and flinging himself through a window) but it gave me nightmares for weeks and weeks and weeks.
24 great films too painful to watch twice. Despite the fact that I watch a lot of drama, I actually haven’t seen any of these (knowing it’s going to be brutal or depressing does make me put off films like Requiem for a Dream, Boys Don’t Cry, or Grave of the Fireflies). Or Happiness – I hear that it’s great, but really depressing, so I just keep it far down on my netflix queue. Let’s see, I wouldn’t watch Monster or Mysterious Skin again (btw – half the movies on the list are there for rape scenes). I have seen Schindler’s List more than once, and that’s obviously hard to watch. One of the commenters mentioned Watership down, which royally freaked me out as a child, so I probably won’t watch it ever again, even if it isn’t quite in the same league as those others.
The 10 most asinine twist endings ever. Most of the article itself is very funny. Favourite bit? “We guess, as is often the case in life, the answer can be chalked up to superhuman lesbian strength and teleportation abilities.”
However, I disagree with their assessment of the Life of David Gale – sure, you saw the ending coming, but it doesn’t take away the power of Kate Winslet’s reaction.
(*SPOILERS* Besides – the article mentions the physical evidence for rape they thought was lacking? He slept with Laura Linney! That scene is in the film! And – from what I remember, they cooked up the scheme with Laura Linney – not just after finding her dead. Furthermore, the article takes offence at how Kevin Spacey points out that the death penalty is flawed by intentionally framing himself for murder. But he makes his point – he is innocent of murdering Laura Linney, but he’s put to death for it anyway. From the character’s point of view, he succeeds. Not to mention the movie focuses more on the characters than on figuring out what actually happened. I thought the movie was less a thriller than a character study of activists who are wrapped up in their cause to an unhealthy degree. Well, literally in Kevin Spacey’s case (Would you die to prove the death penalty doesn’t work?). *END SPOILERS*)
15 most embarrassing movie posters of all time.
And, after several movie-related lists, 10 reasons not to write a film list.
Tags: Travel
I thought Ben Kingsley’s retort was pretty funny. Wouldn’t it be nice if celebrities were all clever and could think on their feet?
What about Toby in Severance and Dark Corners? He belongs on the Horror Hunk list. And on any list of gorgeous men, actually…
I would never, EVER watch the Deer Hunter again…
Yet another one that’s been sitting in my netflix queue for a while. Along with Apocalypse now and Gallipoli.