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A rant, my day, and linkspam

Tuesday, September 11th, 2007
Wow. So a couple of our students this week were sitting in the lounge, joking about Osama bin laden. shaving his beard and moving to Utah. (As if anyone who wasn’t blindingly pale wouldn’t stick out like a sore thumb). Anyways, haha right? Then one of them goes on to say, I bet you half of New Zealand would thank Osama, given the chance. 


Hold on. 


First off – Bush was a lame duck president the first 9 months of his tenure. He couldn’t get a bill through congress if he had wanted to – which was why he took vacation for a huge chunk of that time. Because of September 11th, Bush acquired unheard-of levels of power, eroded civil rights, started 2 wars, and increased our national debt by trillions. So thanking Osama shows an absolute lack of understanding of how the world works. 


Secondly, you want to thank someone for nearly 3000 deaths? Leaving more than 3000 children without a parent? Exposing hundreds, if not thousands, of rescue workers to critical levels of air pollution? That, to me, shows a complete disregard for human life and lack of common decency. Asshole. 


Ok – I feel somewhat better now. 

Joined a gym yesterday (yay)! I have a session with a trainer on Sunday and I’m going to beginners pilates tomorrow. 


Man, I laughed till I cried with the Daily Show coming back. Yaaay! Also – did I miss this in all the Craig coverage, or was the DS the only one to show it?


Ack – I have 3 movies rented tonight that are due back tomorrow. I smell late fees. (I started watching His Girl Friday the other night, but then 4 people came into the living room and started talking, so I had to put that on hold. I kinda need to hear the dialogue on that one.) Also – if I come in and say “yay! the daily show is back from a 2 week vacation! I’m so excited! It’s my favorite show!” does that sound like, “please try to talk to me now. I’m not listening to anything.” I mean, really. I’m around all evening, but I just want to be left alone for 20 minutes during the Daily show – is that so much to ask?


The creative arts emmy winners. Why you should care; the guest winners – Leslie Caron (man – I SO want to see that ep of SVU), Stanley Tucci, Elaine Stritch, and John Goodman. Dexter won for its BRILLIANT opening titles sequence (getting ready in the morning is creepy, no matter who you are, but particularly if you are a serial killer). Planet Earth won 4 awards, including cinematography and best non-fiction series. Mom – you’ll be happy to know Jane Eyre won 2. And the Office won best single-camera editing (yay!). 


I also really like that House won for outstanding prosthetic make-up. (The non-prostheitc make-up went to Deadwood). How I Met your Mother won outstanding art direction for a multi-camera series (huh what now?). Corteo (which I have seen twice – I LOVE Cirque) won for picture editing for a special. South Park got outstanding <1 hr animated program for Make Love, Not Warcraft. The ‘my musical’ ep of scrubs got an award. CSI got best sound mixing (CSI gets no love – seriously. Oh well – they all make millions upon millions). 


And apparently the creative arts emmys gives out a commercial award? Now I want to see the AmEx – Animals ad.   

I forget if I already posted this, but Tash showed it to me. I think it’s her wee Dublin accent that cracks me up. 

Oh so true (fugging Shia).  

Monday Morning Poll: Does a Hollywood Strike Concern You? 

From Cleolinda: 

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The naming of cats

Monday, September 10th, 2007

So – my mom is considering getting 2 cats (yay – totally brilliant idea!). Here are the name suggestions we’ve come up with (granted, naming will depend partly on what they’re like when she picks them out):

Me: “you should name them Hepzibah and Casseopia.(Alternates; Elphaba, Abyssinia, Morgana, Macbeth. Ooh! Or; Sher-Khan and Bagheera. Best yet: Bast.) Ha – I went on a naming cat site; I like this one; Magnificat. Ba dum dum. If you get 2 black ones, you should name them Bete Noir and PM. All together now; “The naming of cats is a delicate thing…” ”

My mom: “And why not Grizabella?”

me: “I was trying to stay away from Eliot’s names, although I do like macavity. My friend Sena named hers Billie after Holliday, her favorite singer.”

My mom: “My favorite cat name is still “faux pas”, for a “whoops” kitten.”

My brother: “You guys are odd. Cats are good creatures. I’m busy. Name them Slartibartfast and Ford Prefect. Or Crow and Tom Servo. One of them should definately be named Steve…”

Me: “How about Totoro and Kodama? Jon and Stephen? Ooh! Coffee and BEEES!”

Suggestions? I’m thinking of famous pairings at the moment. Laurel and Hardy? Kermit and Piggy? Mork and Mindy? A&W? Batman and Robin? Baskin and Robbins? Bonnie and Clyde? Ooh! Burke and Hare! Cain and Abel? Cloak and dagger? Dolce and Gabbana. Fish and chips! flotsam and jetsam. Jay and silent bob. Mulder and scully. Mason and dixon. Pinky and the brain (is that too wrong for cats?). punch and judy.  Rosencrantz and Guildenstern! Romeo and Juliet. Rogers and Hammerstein. Thelma and louise. Hepburn and tracy. Tom and jerry. wallace and gromit. Watson and Crick (how geeky would someone have to be to actually use that?)

We once knew someone with sherlock and watson (he had the same street number addy as holmes).

Knowing my mom, they’ll end up as BBC/ English lit characters. Jane and Emma. Toby and Stephens. Pride and prejudice. (HEEEERE prejudiceprejudiceprejudice)

Monday, September 10th, 2007
We have a new housemate, Javier, who seems really nice. Which meant we had all 6 of us in the living room last night which was great (although watching His Girl Friday had to be put on hold till later) ... [Continue reading this entry]

Awww yeah

Monday, September 10th, 2007
Looks like next summer will get off to a better start than this one; I'd much rather watch Robert Downey Jr. tossing off one-liners and being a bad-ass than watch Tobey Maguire try to dance. (Seriously - if you ... [Continue reading this entry]

I’m Megamerican.

Sunday, September 9th, 2007
I'm reading the Act of Roger Murgatroyd by Gilbert Adair and it's wonderful so far. There are tons of allusions to all the Agatha locked-room-Christmas-manor-type stories. I recommend it if you're into murder mysteries - its very cute.
The SFGC has ... [Continue reading this entry]


Saturday, September 8th, 2007
Awwww.... You'd almost feel sorry for Italy if the All Blacks weren't so FUCKING HARDCORE! That's right - we won 76-14. Almost as many points as minutes in the game. And Herdis and I went to Sullivans to watch, which was ... [Continue reading this entry]

Back dated from yesterday afternoon

Saturday, September 8th, 2007
Sunny day out. Got a smoothie, a top for tonight (in black, of course), and stopped by to look at what may be the very last gym in the city. I’m joining one next Wednesday (payday), ... [Continue reading this entry]

“Say ‘Nevermore'”

Friday, September 7th, 2007
After running errands I caught the last five minutes of Friends. You know the one where Phoebe can’t decide between the two really nice hot guys? Yeah – I burst out laughing when they appeared on screen – about 6 ... [Continue reading this entry]

Yup, it’s a lot.

Thursday, September 6th, 2007
I'm posting most of my stuff now, but I'll probably have some more to post this evening. I cannot be trusted in a video store. I went in to see if they had Dreamland (an indie that looks as if it ... [Continue reading this entry]

New Zealand Environmental Stats

Thursday, September 6th, 2007
Nearly 1/3 of New Zealand is protected land. Christchurch had air pollution PM10 exceedances 39% of the time in 2005. Canterbury had 94.8 tonnes of agricultural waste collected in 2003-2005 (which far outstrips any other reagion - the 2nd highest ... [Continue reading this entry]