Awwww…. You’d almost feel sorry for Italy if the All Blacks weren’t so FUCKING HARDCORE!
That’s right – we won 76-14. Almost as many points as minutes in the game. And Herdis and I went to Sullivans to watch, which was a lot of fun (although the Guiness there was terrible – I switched to Kilkenny for the second half). But they had a band playing there called… wait for it…. the black velvet band. Ba dum dum. And yes, they did play that, along with other Irish faves (Tell me ma, whiskey in the jar, Dirty old town, etc.), a bagpipe song at one point (I’m still deaf), and some Clash, Violent Femmes, etc. And they played Gaelic Storm during set breaks. The bar itself was like Carrols threw up on it (they had the 1916 proclamation up by door – no really). But it was definitely fun, since we got good music along with the game.
BTW – I was expecting it to be more like when Ireland was playing 6 Nations, where every bar was jammed, but I think that’ll only really happen once the All Blacks are in the Finals. Yes, we got some cheering for the Haka and the first couple of scores (which would be minutes 1 and 3) but once it became clear how one-sided the whole match would be, most people didn’t really pay attention.
In other news, Australia did the same thing to Japan, and England beat the US (28-10).
Tags: Travel
Next time, try a Black Velvet. Guinness and champagne…
And regarding your opening sentence: As my father would say, “WHAT was that I heard emanating from your pretty little mouth?!?!”
I do have a pretty little mouth, don’t I?
I’m not sure the champagne would help. I could always try black currant squash (some people used to do that in Dublin), but I’m not sure they’ve got it here. No – I think the Guinness there just sucked.