BootsnAll Travel Network

“Say ‘Nevermore'”

After running errands I caught the last five minutes of Friends. You know the one where Phoebe can’t decide between the two really nice hot guys? Yeah – I burst out laughing when they appeared on screen – about 6 years later they were both on Queer as Folk. Robert Gant as Ben, and Doug Cooper as the football star guy. Ha. Poor Phoebes.

From my dad, “Heard a good one today re the Republican Idaho Senator who got caught in the men’s rest room at the airport (who may not resign after all): half the Republicans want him to leave quietly and the other half want his phone number.” Ah hahahaha…

That’s actually about it from here. I had yummy pasta and tofu for dinner, and I might watch a movie later. But probably I’m just going to work. (And by work, I mean download stuff, organize my documents, etc. etc.)

Also from my dad, “America’s Last Chance in Iraq. You may find Cordesman’s analysis interesting. He shows an astute intellectual integrity. About a decade?? or so ago he showed up as a consultant on Near/Middle East on CBS?? and PBS. Apparently at one point he was Director of Military Intelligence (not an oxymoron when he was there) at the Pentagon. Now he holds the Arleigh Burke (ol’ 31 Knotter) Chair at the Institute for Strategic and International Studies. Here’s the link to paste:,com_csis_pubs/task,view/id,4022/type,1/”

Speaking of Iraq – check out the top cartoon here:

musica: silver and cold – AFI, again, again, again – blaqk audio, bleed it out – linkin park, I predict a riot – Kaiser Chiefs, u+ur hand – pink


One response to ““Say ‘Nevermore'””

  1. Leslie says:


    I just found your blog and haven’t read all the past posts yet, so you may have written about this somewhere along the way, but here goes. How were you able to work legally in Ireland and New Zealand? Are you an American with dual citizenship? I could get Irish citizenship (I’m American with an Irish grandparent) and have been thinking about trying to find work there. Do you have a sense of how hard it is to find work there, especially long-term career type of work? Could you have worked as a temp in Ireland? Any advice you have would be appreciated!


    P.S. Love the blog!

  2. admin says:

    Hey! Thanks for your kind words. To be honest, I’m always a bit surprised when people (who don’t know me) take the time to figure out my oft-incoherent ramblings and mountains of entertainment stuff. So thank you!

    I worked in New Zealand by applying for their working holiday scheme. But they ended up approving my visa from the time my app. was processed instead of from when I was going to enter the country. It doesn’t matter to me, since I’ll be going home in a few months, but you might want to get your paperwork processed (somewhat) close to the time you’d like to leave.

    I worked in Ireland through BUNAC, which you can only do if you’ve recently graduated from school (or are still in school). I unfortunately do not have Irish citizenship, as my family came over a bit farther back. My friend managed to get a work visa on her own, but she had a company sponsoring her. I have no idea whether you’d be able to get a work visa without a job planned. If you claim citizenship, then obviously you could go.

    I’m not very sure about long-term work. I was only looking for bar jobs. However, the economy there is booming, so I’d be surprised if you couldn’t find something. One financial thing I did find was that housing is really, really expensive. (Well, in Dublin at least). Like almost New York expensive with the exchange rate.

    I bet temping would be possible there – again, I didn’t look into it. I’m sure if you google around you should be able to find some agencies and contact them. That’s one thing I found here in NZ – I wish I had contected the temp agencies before arriving.

    I hope that helps – any more questions and I’d be glad to do my best to answer.