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Photo Update

Monday, October 24th, 2005

Greetings from Paris!!!!
We came back to France last Wednesday, and we haven’t had a moments rest since. It’s not easy to be World Travelers. We had a great weekend in Dijon at Christophe and Stephanie’s wedding. Now we are leaving in a couple of hours for the airport. We are flying to Delhi, India tonight.

I have posted some photos from the first part of our trip, you have to look back at the old posts for them. I also posted some from Eddy and Marketa’s wedding in a new message.

Photos from Eddy and Marketa’s Wedding

Monday, October 24th, 2005

September 17, 2005
Prague, Czech Republic

“The Bride and Groom Feeding Each Other Soup”

“The Champagne Toast”

“Jen and Fabs”

“Kidnapping of Marketa”

“The Guys”

“The Girls”

“Old Friends having a fabulous time”

Relaxing the day after…

J+34 : l’hiver a Budapest

Tuesday, October 18th, 2005
Zagreb, un nouveau Prague... Nous avons ete etonne de voir combien Zagreb pouvait ressembler a Prague dans une certaine limite : petite rue pavee, nombreux cafes et bars, nombreuses eglises, architectures similaires, partie de la ville en hauteur, le meme tramway ... [Continue reading this entry]

Zagreb to Budapest

Sunday, October 16th, 2005
Zagreb was a pleasant surprise. It's not a really popular stop on the standard backpacking circuit, but we decided to break up the long trip between the Croatian coast and Budapest with a stop in Croatia's capital. Our arrival in ... [Continue reading this entry]

Sobe, Croatian buses and other highlights

Thursday, October 13th, 2005
After almost two weeks in Croatia, a few small things have impressed us. The first (and maybe our favorite) is the ˝sobe.˝ Sobes are just private rooms in peoples houses that they rent to travelers. When you reach the bus ... [Continue reading this entry]

J + 29 : en approche de la fin de notre aventure Europeenne

Thursday, October 13th, 2005
Dubrovnik nous a laisse une tres belle image du sud de la Croatie. Cette ville fortifie entre montagne et mer a vraiment un cachet particulier. Pour moi, l'une des plus belles villes que nous ayons visite. Malheureusement un peu trop ... [Continue reading this entry]

Photos and other tidbits

Thursday, October 6th, 2005
Yes, we are taking photos. Fabien is obsessed with pictures of charming stone alleyways and beer bottles (he likes to document all the different beers he has tried.) That said, we have decided to post the best photos from this part ... [Continue reading this entry]

Des photos !!!

Thursday, October 6th, 2005
Nous voulions mettre des photos sur notre site plus frequemment mais cela s'avere difficile. Nous rentrons en France prochainement (2 semaines - ca passe vite), nous essaierons d'en mettre quelques unes en ligne. Pour l'Asie, nous allons essayer de trouver ... [Continue reading this entry]

J+22 : a la decouverte de la Croatie

Thursday, October 6th, 2005
Voila une semaine que le blog n'a pas ete mis a jour. En fait, nous avons eu peu d'occasions de le completer tant notre emploi du temps a ete charge. Nous nous attelons aujourd'hui malgre un temps clement a le ... [Continue reading this entry]

Ljubljana to Dubrovnik

Thursday, October 6th, 2005
We've made it to Dubrovnik, Croatia. It's a great place in the most southern part of Croatia on the Adriatic Sea. The town is completely surrounded by walls that were built in the 15th century and it sits between the ... [Continue reading this entry]