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Le voyage, un jour se terminera… et apres ?

Saturday, March 18th, 2006

Aujourd’hui, nos principaux soucis sont a court terme : ou aller ? Ou dormir ? Que faire demain ? Mais cela c’est du court, nous avons egalement fait quelques grands choix pour l’apres voyage… Ce moment semble encore loin mais inneluctablement se rapproche le 22 mai, date de notre arrivee a Paris CDG. Apres cette date fatidique commence une nouvelle aventure : se reinstaller, se marier, re-travailler… Il reste encore quelques interrogations mais de nombreuses decisions sont prises :
– Mariage : le 7 octobre pres d’Amiens (ma ville natale). Mariage en France donc mais qui sera aussi a l’accent americain et plus generalement international. Peu a peu les choses avancent mais des notre retour en France, la priorite sera a sa preparation (notamment la papasserie)
– Reinstallation : nous avons decide de revenir habiter en France… pour le moment. C’est facile a comprendre : le mariage est en France, j’y ai un travail, c’est plus simple. Dans un premier temps, nous resterons sur Amiens avec mes parents avant de nous re-installer a Paris (la date n’est pas fixee et depend de ma reprise au travail). Cette fois, nous pensons nous installer dans Paris intra muros, nous essaierons de chercher autour de St Lazare : facile pour moi pour aller travailler et plus tard pour Jenny. Donc de ce cote la aussi, nous aurons de l’occupation : chercher un appart, demenager, s’installer !
– Travail : pour moi c’est facile : Sogecap, mon ancien employeur. Aujourd’hui seule la date de retour et le poste sont des inconnus. Je suis en contact avec la DRH et cela avance. Pour la date, il semble que ce soit possible de reprendre en juillet (la date originale etait au 15 septembre mais pour nous, il est preferable de reprendre plus tot). Pour le poste, il y a des choix a faire, a suivre… Pour Jenny, ce sera un retour a un poste de prof d’anglais. Au noir dans un premier temps comem cela etait avant de partir. Le mariage devrait par la suite faciliter grandement sa regularisation et l’obtention d’une carte de sejour. En 2007, nous croisons les doigts, elle sera sur le marche du travail et devrait pouvoir trouver assez facilement un poste de professeur d’anglais pour particulier ou entreprise.
– Autres projets : comme nous avons peur de nous ennuyer, nous pensons deja a d’autres occupations plus ou moins sur. Dans le 99% sur : court sejour aux USA et reprise de quelques cours de francais durant l’ete pour Jenny, quelques sejours a l’etranger ou en France en Juin, un Noel aux USA et dans le meme temps une deuxieme fete de mariage sur place. Au niveau des reflexions ou plus ou moins long terme : creation d’un business, installation aux USA, un autre voyage au long court… Mais tout cela n’est pour le moment que de lointains projets. A present, il faut revenir au present : ou allons nous manger ce soir ?

A little history of Fabien

Sunday, August 21st, 2005

Born January 10, 1978 (yeah, I’m a lot younger than Jenny) in Amiens, Picardy (great region specially known for its farmers), I had a really quiet childhood. A young Fab
My first trips (I think that my first one was when I was a couple of months old when I went to Corsica) were of course with my parents and their caravan during summer. We basically went through all France from Brittany to the Alps through the mountains of the Pyrénée.
I also had some holidays in the mountains during winters specially to learn how to ski, and some short experiences outside my home country : Europe and a trip to US when I was about 10 (a little to young to remember a lot more than DisneyWorld, some skyscrapers and a lot of swimming pools in hotels.
I guess that it is a combination of different things that led me to start travelling by myself :
– First, it is probably all these little trips with my parents (I say little because often less than 3 weeks which is short holidays for French standards).
– Second things is that except holidays, I stayed my 22 first years of my life in the village nearby Amiens. I can’t say that it was bad, a little bit too quiet though, but very comfortable and easy (always easier to stay in an environment you know). During these decades, my life was mostly rhythmed by school (I graduated successfully high school and college – more specifically engineer school), friends, sports (specially tennis) and computer games (first with my loved Atari ST and then with some PCs).
– Third thing is that boring summer I had in 1997. I had planned with my friend Bruno (from Cagny too) to go to Britain to work but with bad organization we didn’t find any job from France before going and we finally decided to not go. This summer was so boring (I was too old to find any fun to go to holidays with my parents) that my friend and me promised to be better the next summer and do something that could be interesting.
– Finally, I think that Bruno was one of the main reasons I started to travel. I guess he was a lot more motivated and fearless than me to go.
That’s for all these reasons that we decided in 1998 to go to the US for the summer. As poor students that didn’t like to work during their studies (like a lot in France), we didn’t have any money. So the only way was to go there to work. So we broke our savings plan to buy a visa and airplane ticket to NYC to live our first journey without our parents.
I’m not going to give details about this adventure (see this web site instead : Work and Travel USA) but that’s how I get my first independant traveller experience.
The next summer, with my last money coming from my work in the US (yes, I made a lot of money – but I also worked a lot), I went to China to meet Bruno and travelled through China : from Beijing to Karachi (Pakistan) along the ancient Silk Road. A fantastic and low budget trip where I saw my first sand dune, the Great Wall, my first (and still only) 8000m peak, a lot of Chinese people… Machu Pichu Watch some of the pics : Silkroad Web Site
After another year at university and after graduated, I went with other friends to Egypt, Jordan and Israel for a little less than 2 months.
It was before starting to work. As I was conviced that I had spent enough years in Picardie, I started to work (in IT but it’s not the main purpose) directly in a foreign country and what a foreign country : Luxembourg (for those who doesn’t know this large country, it’s between France, Germany and Belgium). Totally different than France. No it’s a joke. My flat was 20km from France border. MarocI stayed there for 2 and half years where I used my holidays to continue to explore the world (this time it was easier with money but a lot less with time) and specially American continent with Peru (2001) and Mexico (2002).
As I was starting to be like a lion in a cage in Luxembourg, I decided that it was enough and that I have to do something to leave the wountry. That’s when, my company offered me to go to Morocco for 6 months. It was my first real long term experience outside France (if we consider that Luxembourg is not really a foreign country, and I think that it is almost that). Of course, it was great, not always easy but a lot of good memories.
At the end of this, I had the opportunity to go to Czech Republic for another 6 months (special thank here to my boss who helped me a lot to get both positions). I was actually the IT guy that Jenny met (A little history of Jenny). She was the English teacher (like almost all Americans in Prague) I met. Do you believe that she waited the last two weeks to realize that I was the love of her life ? I realized that a lot before… But it doesn’t matter now as she realized before I left.
The last part of my life (2004 and 2005) was in Paris at the headquarters of my company (with of course few short trips to Barcelana, Armenia, Florida, Madrid, Prague, Marocco, Egypt, France). Jenny joined me a couple months after I left Prague.
We had a quiet and nice life like a couple. But could we be like a lot of couple : go to work, enjoy too short holidays to travel and stay like that for years. I guess it’s still not the moment to do that… And that’s why today you can read this blog !

Fab and Jen Paris

A little history of Jenny

Tuesday, August 9th, 2005
Born September 15, 1977 in Coos Bay, Oregon, I have been plagued with a chronic case of wanderlust my entire life. Perhaps it started when my parents decided to set out on their own adventure, leaving Coos Bay aboard ... [Continue reading this entry]