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Archive for August, 2005

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2 weeks before D-Day

Monday, August 29th, 2005

Two weeks before departure day.
Are we ready ? Well let’s see the checklist :
Plane tickets : BOUGHT, that was quite expensive but we are ready. We are leaving September 13th by bus (only 14 hours, just a starter to get ready for India) to Prague. Then we will come back to Paris from Budapest October 20th. The big trip starts then October 24th from Paris to Dehli. Our return is expected May 22nd from Hong Kong to Paris.
Injection : DONE for me. Hmmm, Jenny has still to do that. Appointment in hospital is already made.
Insurance : SUBSCRIBED. A cheap Australian insurance, but we hope that we will not have to use it.
Get money to travel : NOT FINISHED. On this point, we are still a little bit short. All contributions are welcome. Credit cards are accepted on this website. Thank you in advance for your sponsorship, we really appreciate it.
Get visa : DONE. Only the Indian visa, we will get the other ones directly in Asia, we don’t know where now.
Hotels booked : NOT DONE. We are not crazy, we don’t book any hotels. Just a guidebook to guide us to the cheapest hotel. Bugs and mildew included.
Buy stuff to travel : DONE. Backpack, shirts, shoes, water filter, mosquito repelent, sunscreen, socks, watches, guide books. I think we are all set.
Move : STILL NOT DONE. No we need to live somewhere until we leave. We will move in 10 days. We will put most of my furniture at my parents home. I just started to put all my stuff in boxes. Fortunatelly we don’t own a lot.
Get Jenny back in Paris : SHE’S STILL IN THE USA. She must come back Wednesday the 6th. I’m so happy about that.
Do all paperwork : ALMOST DONE. That’s the worst part of the preparation. Fortunately it’s almost done. Except for 9 Telecom, everything is going alright, incredible. Even changing address in French administration was ok : just done over Internet. Technology, that’s great.
So as you can see, we are getting ready but it was hard work. Don’t think that it is easy to prepare such a trip…

A Bilingual Blog

Monday, August 29th, 2005

We want to share this experience with all of our friends and family so we are going to write a bilingual French/English blog. We are not going to translate our experiences; Fabien is going to write about our experiences from his perspective in French and Jenny will write from her perspective in English. For those of you who can read in both languages, you can compare our two points of view. (We imagine that some of the experiences will have totally different meanings for each of us.)
We welcome comments in all languages (except Duruwa, Panjabi and Wolof). You can also contact on our respective email : Jenny =>, Fabien =>

Comme nous voulons partager cette experience avec tous nos amis et notre famille. Nous écrirons en deux langues durant le voyage, Francais et Anglais. Il ne s’agira pas d’une traduction. Fabien ecrira en Francais sa vision des choses et Jenny ecrirai en Anglais la sienne. Cela permettra aux personnes qui sont capables de lire les deux langues de comparer nos deux points de vue (nous pensons en effet que certaines expériences auront des significations différentes pour chacun de nous).
Bien entendu, tous les commentaires dans tous les langages (excepté le Zoulou, le Grec Ancien et le Kirghiz) sont bienvenus. Vous pouvez également nous contacter à nos adresses email respectifs : Jenny =>, Fabien =>

Where are we going?

Monday, August 22nd, 2005
As it is a common question, here is a clear answer. As you can see on the next map, our trip will be in two parts Destination The first part in Eastern Europe is specially to visit our friends ... [Continue reading this entry]

A little history of Fabien

Sunday, August 21st, 2005
Born January 10, 1978 (yeah, I'm a lot younger than Jenny) in Amiens, Picardy (great region specially known for its farmers), I had a really quiet childhood. A young Fab My first trips (I think that ... [Continue reading this entry]

Welcome to our travel blog!

Tuesday, August 9th, 2005
Hello, Thanks for visiting our travel blog! We are currently in the preparation phase of our trip! Next month, we will be setting out on a 9-month (+-) trip through Eastern Europe, India, Nepal and Southeast Asia. Please check this ... [Continue reading this entry]

A little history of Jenny

Tuesday, August 9th, 2005
Born September 15, 1977 in Coos Bay, Oregon, I have been plagued with a chronic case of wanderlust my entire life. Perhaps it started when my parents decided to set out on their own adventure, leaving Coos Bay aboard ... [Continue reading this entry]