Noticing animals and the anti-christ
It just amazes me sometimes what passes for news and science. I was about to check my yahoo email this morning and noticed the headline ‘Modern Humans Retain Caveman’s Survival Insticts.’ The titlealone revealed that the whole idea was already tainted by an evolutionary bias, so I decided to see what monumental discovery whatever reasearch team at whatever university had stumbled upon.
It turns out that the brillian undergrads at USCB, which happens to be one of the sweetest schoolsever were subjected to an experiment.
In the study, groups of undergraduate students from UCSB, watched images displayed on computermonitors. The flashing images alternated between pairs of various outdoor scenes, with the first image showing one scene and the next an alternate version of that scene with one change. Participantsindicated each time whether they detected a change.
The conclusion – we notice animals more than inamimate objects. Wow. I mean, the next fifteen minutes or so were spent in contemplative awe. What a revelation.
“Immersed in a rich, biotic environment, it would have been imperative for our ancestors to monitor both humans and non-human animals. Predators and prey took many different forms—lions, tigers and bears—and they changed often, so constant eyeballing was critical.” Yes…tigers and bears. Gotta watch out for them.
“Having this pop-out attentional bias for animals is sort of a vestigial behavior,” said study team member Joshua New of Yale University’s Perception and Cognition Lab. Yes, noticing things that are alive is defintatly a “vestigial behavior.” I mean, its so vestigial that I can hardly even tell whether something is alive anymore, that ancient skill on my cave-man ancestors nearly lost in the age of “high-rises emerging where forests once took root and pampered pets taking the place
of stalking beasts. How anyone could publish this as some kind of breakthrough is beyond me. And Yahoo news editors must be so starving for stories that this is the kind of trash they post. I mean, I’ll do a write up of what my shit looked like in the toilet this morning which would probably be more enlightening. Somehow they glossed over the fact that the president of Iran invoked Al-Imam al-Mahdi “The Just Leader of Humanity” in his opening statement to Columbia University. He prayed for the return of this al-Mahdi character, so after some quick google searching I found that appartenly al-Mahdi has to come back before the world ends..
Another tradition reported by Abu al-Hujaf quotes the Prophet saying three times:
Listen to the good news about the Mahdi! He will rise at the time when people will be faced with severe conflict and the earth will be hit by a violent quake. He will fill the earth with justice and equity as it is filled with injustice and tyranny. He will fill the hearts of his followers with devotion and will spread justice everywhere.
The Prophet has declared:
The Day of Resurrection will not take place until the True Qa’im rises. This will happen when God permits him to do so. Anyone who follows him will be saved, and anyone who opposes him will perish. O servants of God, keep God in your mind and go towards him even if it happens to be on the ice, for indeed he is the caliph of God, the Exalted and Glorified, and my successor.
Anyway, the fact that Muslim tradition calls for some guy to be ressurected and come rule Earth for a bit is a bit more interesting than the fact that we notice animals when they’re around. Everyone talks about ‘respecting Islam’ and all that, but really I think we have no clue about it. How can you respect something if you know nothing about it? And for Christians, what does Christian theology teach? Well, the bible says that Christ is the one supposed to come back at the end, but before him comes someone who will rally nations together and fool people into thinking he is the redeemer. Hes called the Anti-Christ.
But hey, we notice animals.
And on top of all that, the study was based on a bunch of USSB kids watching films of outdoor scences spliced with animals. So they werent’ really watching animals at all, they were watching some weird slideshow which they could probably enjoyed having as class material considering the majority of them were baked and just waiting to go surfing.
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March 2nd, 2008 at 3:12 pm
I can prove that the coming Mahdi will declare himself Allah at the abomination of desolation.
In 2 Thessalonians it says that “the man of lawlessness will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God and worshiped”.
In other words, he will declare himself God, but what god? And of what religion?
In Daniel 2 we have the prophecy of king Nebuchadnezzer’s vision called the “Great image”. This image consisted of five future kingdoms that would rule over Israel, beginning with Nebuchadnezzer’s Babylon.
The fifth and last kingdom, would be a kingdom that would rule in the last days, the Bible says that this kingdom would be one of both mire and metal or “iron mixed with clay”, the key word being mixed.
I believe it’s not a coincidence that this verb mixed occurs only three times throughout the bible and all three occurrence are found in Daniel 2: 40-43.
So by knowing the Aramaic and Hebrew meaning of this verb, we can understanding what form of governments the iron and clay depict, and we can know the identity of this last days religion.
What is the translation of this verb mixed? It is the word “Arab.”
Now here’s the kicker! We know that any religion outside of Christianity is a religion built by Lucifer in the spirit of antichrist. Right?
Now in Isaiah 14: 13-14 (a prophecy about Lucifer’s fall) it says:
‘You (Lucifer) said in your heart’ “I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God… I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.”
The Hebrew word for “ascend”, as in “I will ascend to heaven… I will make myself like the Most High”. Is the word Allah.
Go to my website and learn more.