BootsnAll Travel Network

Which Ways Home?


Its been about 8 months away. Things have expanded. Possibilities, mindsets, understandings, patience, courage, love. Things have contracted and even dissappeared. Fear, stress, worry, anxiety. We really do create our own world around us. I’ve realized the importance of what you input into your life. Where you sow your time, and how you use your energy are of utmost importance. There are alot of people in this world who accept the flow, the thoughts, the trends, and the emotion of everything around them. There are many who succomb to fear and negativity. There even exists whole cultures (music, clothing, etc.) that revel in the darker side of life, misery, dispair, depression and even anger.

Some would say that it doesnt matter what kind of books you read, or what kind of music you listen to. They’d say it wasnt going to affect you or the way you think. The truth is that everything affects us in some way. The music that goes in our ears, what we watch on TV or in a movie, the books we read, the thoughts we think, and the people that surround us. They are all inputs. Yes, we can judge what we will take on and accept in thought, but if someone is constantly surrounding themselves in positive and uplifting things, over time this person will become someone completely different from someone who constantly inputs negative thought patterns into their life.

I’ve realized that the choice is ours, and its really made a tremendous difference. Your life is yours to create. Your mind is your own, and what you put into it is important. So be careful what you put into yourself. You only have so much time, what do you want to fill your mind with? What does your life consist of? What have you made the most important thing in your life? What are you living for?

You can tell alot about a persons heart by what comes out of their mouth. What is inside you, I think, is the most important thing. Everything you do will reflect the state of your heart and mind, and the state of your heart and mind depend upon what you put into them – thats why monitoring what you think about and what you put into yourself are top priority. Over time, you will become what you put in, and ‘out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks’.

Therefore, I suggest taking a look at what inputs are currently being fed into your heart and mind and into what things you are investing your time. Are these things good, are they noble? Are they beneficial to what you are and what you want to become? Take hold of them and conform them to what you want to be, what you want your life to be, and guard your heart with all dilligence.

On another note, I thank God for all my friends that have been with me and in my heart through all these new experiences. You all know ywho you are. Family. ‘we float together.’

sunset – Port of Naxos
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3 Responses to “Which Ways Home?”

  1. steve Says:

    welcome to the world of self understanding…

  2. Posted from United States United States
  3. karen Says:

    nice use of phil’s poem

    what about the people who are too insecure to show what’s really inside them? does that come from something they input?

  4. Posted from United States United States
  5. Ryan Says:

    t would come from inputs (whether put directly in by themselves, or as a result of surroundings, friends, etc), as well as how that person deals with their own thought patterns.

    Insecurity would be the result of negative thought patterns,for instance having the thought ‘ im not good enough ‘ and either entertaining that thought or ignoring it.

    By entertaining the thought I mean anything but the immediate dismissal/replacement of that negative though with a positive affirming thought. Entertaining allows the thought to gain a stronghold in the mind, which will be then built up over time through more of the same sort of entertaining.

    Ignoring just allows the thought to remain in the mind, but it is never combatted or replaced with a positive or affirming mentality, so the problem continues.

  6. Riooooooo Says:

    Thats deep man…well written!!! I know alot of people that need to read that and really let it sink in………….

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