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Sunday, July 6th, 2008

Gina. Huanchaco, Peru.

Since we´re now on the coast we decided that today would be a good day to try ceviche, a Peruvian dish that´s basically raw fish in lime juice and the lime juice supposedly kills all any bacteria or other bad things and ´cooks´the fish. We walked around this afternoon (after we got to our hostel and slept until one! Bus trips are exhausting) and checked out the prices on a couple of places our guide book recommended. We found one that looked good and decided to go back there for dinner.

After watching some tv and reading and being generally lazy we got hungry and went back out around 6:30 for our much anticipated dinner. But then everything was closed. All three restaurants that were crawling with people at lunch time were dark and locked up with no sign that they´d be opening again any time tonight. Feeling a little bummed and a little confused, we wondered around looking for something that was a) open, b) not too expensive, and c) not divey. I´m weary of raw fish at the best of times, but a divey restaurant at a beach town in Peru on the off season just sounds a little too sketchy for raw fish, no matter how much lime juice it´s soaking in.

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