Surprise reunion
Tuesday, November 4th, 2008Yangshou, China.
What a small world! Yesterday (Monday) on our way to class, Laurie told us that we would be picking up a guy named Tom who was coming to watch us for a day and learn more about VET and possibly volunteer himself. When our van pulled over to let in this Tom, Steve and I were both surprised to see a guy from Orange County, California who we had met in Beijing the day before leaving for Mongolia! How weird! Well, I guess it’s not that weird since I’d talked to him for a couple of hours and somewhere in there had mentioned our plans to volunteer with VET and he had sounded interested. I guess the biggest shock was that we knew he was going to study kung fu for a month East of Beijing somewhere and neither Steve nor I had realized it’d already been over a month since we had last seen him! Time flies! But I guess we had both forgotten that we’d met him before going to Mongolia, so that made a big difference. But it was neat running into him again and I was glad that my recommendation had gone somewhere.
We had a good day of teaching. I took the 4th graders and Steve took the 5th graders (Sue and Gordon had the 3rd and 6th since they’re a little more difficult). The 4th grade class went really well. We sang and colored and played games. The 5th graders were a little more difficult, with one boy in particular who was trying his very, very best to piss me off. I literally just stood and smiled at the back of the class while he did who knows what behind me to try to get me upset and to also entertain his friends. Eventually he stopped, though, and asked me to help him color later on in the class. Steve did a good job of changing gears when the boys were a little too wild when they were playing a game. The older kids are a little more of a challenge just with keeping them under control. But I guess that’s probably the same with kids everywhere. 13 year olds are harder than 11 years olds. But it was a good day.