Last day in China
Thursday, November 27th, 2008Kunming, China.
Today is our last day in China. Tomorrow at 5 pm we take a bus from Kunming over the Laotian border to Odomxai, Laos. It is also Thanksgiving Day. And I must admit that I’m feeling a little sad and homesick. I knew it would happen, but it still feels a little surprising. But we had a nice lunch of Chinese food that was probably the most American-like Chinese food we’ve had since coming to China. It was a very simple (and cheap) restaurant and our dishes tasted very fresh and weren’t over-sauced (they also didn’t contain MSG which we were overwhelmed with while eating at the cafeteria in Yangshuo). We had a plate of sauteed spinach with garlic and a plate of chicken with vegetables and peanuts. Again, for the first time in China, the pieces of chicken were actually like hunks of chicken breast. We learned in Yangshuo from some of the students that Chinese people prefer meat on the bone. I honestly don’t even know what they do with the chicken breasts or if they even let the chickens get big enough to have real breasts (the chickens at the market in Yangshuo were really scrawny). But the meat on bone thing was something we definitely noticed while in China, especially in Yangshuo. It wasn’t really meat on bone as it was just bone. I just didn’t even bother trying to eat it (especially since you had to eat it with chopsticks!). So our lunch was a nice little surprise. We also got some yummy yogurt smoothies afterwards even though it’s pretty chilly here right now.