Pretty as a Postcard. Machu Picchu trek day 4.
Saturday, June 28th, 2008Gina. Arequipa, Peru.
The last day of the trek started out very early. 4 a.m. I have a newfound respect for my Uncle Ron for waking up at 4 a.m. every day to go to work. Steve and I were both grumpy when we got up. It was strangely hot in our tent the night before and we weren´t sure what types of bugs/animals were outside, so we didn´t want to open up the flaps. We got little sleep because of the heat and, for me, because my legs hurt so badly that it was impossible to get comfortable (and our tent was on a decline, so I kept slipping to the bottom!).
After a hasty breakfast we got cleaned up and went as a group to wait a half hour for the final checkpoint to open at 5:30. I guess there`s some desire to be the first ones through the checkpoint or the first ones to the Sun Gate, but I would have preferred to sit in the clubhouse for that last half hour rather than standing in the dark with all the other hikers.