This post is brought to you by the letter Z…and all the other consonants
Friday, February 6th, 2009Zadar, Croatia.
Our last few days in Italy were pretty uneventful. It kept raining. I got over my cold with the help of lots of naps. We ate a lot of pizza and salads and drank yummy wine. It was cold, but we still tried different gelato combinations (blackberry and lemon was my favorite). We never went to a museum or did anything cultural. It was a nice vacation from our vacation.
We ended up getting very cheap train tickets to Ancona (port town on the Italian coast where you get ferries to Croatia and Greece). They were only 14 euros each for the 5 hour trip and compared to the 25 euros each for the 2 hour ride from Milan to Florence, that was a great deal. We left at around ten in the morning. We had a nice walk from our guest house (it was called Losanna and was near the synagogue. That whole area of town was really nice and quiet with a wonderful daily market and a cute little park nearby) to the train station, stopping to buy sandwiches on the way. The closer we got to the coast the clearer the skies got. By the time we reached the sea it was sunny and warm. We walked from the train station to the ferry. It was a short walk but pretty confusing. Eventually someone pointed us in the right direction. We might have been lost forever among the docks and different buildings. We easily bought tickets (55 euros each for the cheapest beds) and had a five hour wait before we could board our boat (the Marko Polo) at eight. They had a shuttle bus from the ticket office to the boats and a man told us we could leave our bags there. We got on the shuttle bus and it did a loop around and then stopped back at the ticket office where we started. We giggled and looked confused and finally let the driver know where we wanted to go. He said, yes, that’s where he goes next. We were the only ones on the bus and I wonder if he was messing with us or if the loop served any purpose. We made it to our stop but couldn’t find the place to leave our bags, so we just sat in a waiting room reading and relaxing.