Cape Verde Islands
Monday, February 26th, 2007Yes mutherbitches I finally it made to Cape Verde. At 2 Euro an hour for internet I’m going to have to be very brief but first a note on vomiting…
Some people can do a polite spitting or mild little spew on the side, me, I don’t vomit much but when I do, I tend to go for the gut wrenching, tear-your-soul-out wretch. That’s exactly what my body decided to do just as we left Dakar behind our stern and settled down to relax. My body decided this was much better than trying to cope with wildly swaying horizon and tossing seas. I stopped the vomitting and went to lie down… for two days.
Third day and I recovered a bit and actually helped when we sighted land and had to pull into the anchorage that night. Strange how cognitively I liked the trip but my body rebelled.
Anyways, Sal Island is where I am (there are 9 islands and each one distincly different) and it’s pretty fucken cool. The vibe is more South American than African but with a unique flavour of its own. Things are actually pretty developed because of all the tourism but that also means pricey prices. As usual, I’m struggling with the currency change and sometimes dunno if I’m paying a lot or a little for items.
Yesterday, quite by chance I managed to check out the Winsurfing World Cup Final. And it was unbelievable! Let me add some exclamation marks so that you really check how great it was!!!!! I dunno how big the waves were but the windsurfboard mast is about 6 meters and the waves were higher by a meter or so. I reckon about 18 foot. The local legend, something Angula, won and he is a Legend (capital “L”). He rode the waves in huge conditions and harsh offshore wind like… like… like a bird skimming above a lake. Respec’!
Anyway, gotsta run, laters. Boa Vista island next which is less developed so expect to hear very little from me – except maybe if I catch a huge fish.