Moz Weer
Saturday, May 12th, 2007Okay so let’s wrap up this whole Mozambique thing before I go onto current affairs. The last time I wrote I’d just been to Vilankulos and was on my way to Tofo. I’ve been meaning to keep all you germs informed but I wanted the post after that to be a ‘Here’s some pictures’ post but couldn’t find a place that allowed me to upload some. Anyways…
Tofo was brilliant. It’s a bit of a Babylon tourist town but snorkelling with the whale sharks just puts such a glamorous sheen on the whole experience. Top notch entertainment those whale sharks, let me tell you. I also managed to rent a beginner foam surfboard and play around in miniscule waves. It was good but without a rash vest the resulting friction caused my nipples to be excruciatingly painful for days… Yes, ja, uhuh, you can stop laughing now.
After Tofo I went to Funky Monkeys backpackers in Linga Linga so that I could linger longer before making my way south. It was bit out of the way (a 3 hour dhow trip down a river-like bay to a stunning peninsula) but it was really rustic and close to the the earth and all those other expressions we use when we get these basic natural living experiences.
Then it was back to Maputo where I did some major laundry after my luggage got soaked in some sour smelling shite on the second bus coming down (the first bus having broken down). I also finally managed to get to the fish market where you choose your fish and seafood from the market and get one of the places in the back to cook it for you. Fantastic, fantastic food. Even made me forget my sore nipples of the previous days.